Giovanni Carboni

JCL Team UKYO, Italy, 29 years

Pro Cycling Manager

Race program


Giovanni Carboni is a 29-year-old cyclist from Italy, born August 31st 1995. He rides for JCL Team UKYO, a UCI Continental. He has won 6 UCI races, and is currently ranked 314th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Bardiani CSF Faizanè (ProTeam) UCI Ranking: 327 (199pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
21.03 35 GP Slovenian Istria | 1.2 2021-03-21Show more
04.04 23 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2021-04-04Show more
19.09 53 Trofeo Matteotti | 1.1 2021-09-19Show more
18.09 DNF Memorial Pantani | 1.1 2021-09-18Show more
15.09 26 Giro della Toscana | 1.1 2021-09-15Show more
08.08 Czech Tour | 2.1 2021-08-08 Show more
08.08 49 Czech Tour | Overall 2021-08-08
06.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2.1 2021-07-06 Show more
06.07 16 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Overall 2021-07-063
17.06 Adriatica Ionica Race | 2.1 2021-06-17 Show more
17.06 4 Adriatica Ionica Race | Overall 2021-06-1760
13.06 Tour of Slovenia | 2.Pro 2021-06-13 Show more
13.06 8 Tour of Slovenia | Overall 2021-06-1350
24.06 16 Giro dell'Appennino | 1.1 2021-06-243Show more
20.06 6 Italy RR | CN 2021-06-2030Show more
30.05 Giro d'Italia | 2.UWT 2021-05-30 Show more
30.05 35 Giro d'Italia | Overall 2021-05-3020
23.04 Tour of the Alps | 2.Pro 2021-04-23 Show more
23.04 21 Tour of the Alps | Overall 2021-04-235
11.04 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2021-04-11 Show more
11.04 22 Tour of Rhodes | Overall 2021-04-11
02.10 40 Giro dell'Emilia | 1.Pro 2021-10-023Show more
06.10 37 Milano - Torino | 1.Pro 2021-10-063Show more
17.10 23 Veneto Classic | 1.1 2021-10-173Show more
13.10 11 Giro del Veneto | 1.1 2021-10-1315Show more
11.10 DNF Coppa Agostoni | 1.1 2021-10-11Show more
09.10 DNF Il Lombardia | 1.UWT 2021-10-09Show more
27.03 Coppi e Bartali | 2.1 2021-03-27 Show more
27.03 38 Coppi e Bartali | Overall 2021-03-27
13.06 10 Tour of Slovenia | Points 2021-06-13
17.06 14 Adriatica Ionica Race | Points 2021-06-17
30.05 54 Giro d'Italia | Points 2021-05-30
06.07 34 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Points 2021-07-06
30.05 39 Giro d'Italia | Mountain 2021-05-30
27.03 14 Coppi e Bartali | Mountain 2021-03-27
17.06 5 Adriatica Ionica Race | Mountain 2021-06-17
11.04 5 Tour of Rhodes | Mountain 2021-04-11
08.08 5549 Czech Tour | 4th stage 2021-08-08
07.08 6155 Czech Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-07
06.08 6558 Czech Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-06
05.08 2828 Czech Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-05
06.07 2416 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2021-07-06
05.07 1916 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2021-07-05
04.07 1012 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2021-07-04
03.07 9898 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Prologue 2021-07-03
17.06 264 Adriatica Ionica Race | 3rd stage 2021-06-17
16.06 44 Adriatica Ionica Race | 2nd stage 2021-06-16
15.06 3030 Adriatica Ionica Race | 1st stage 2021-06-15
13.06 458 Tour of Slovenia | 5th stage 2021-06-13
12.06 78 Tour of Slovenia | 4th stage 2021-06-12
11.06 86 Tour of Slovenia | 3rd stage 2021-06-11
10.06 85 Tour of Slovenia | 2nd stage 2021-06-10
09.06 2325 Tour of Slovenia | 1st stage 2021-06-09
30.05 10635 Giro d'Italia | 21st stage 2021-05-30
29.05 3735 Giro d'Italia | 20th stage 2021-05-29
28.05 4937 Giro d'Italia | 19th stage 2021-05-28
27.05 6037 Giro d'Italia | 18th stage 2021-05-27
26.05 2338 Giro d'Italia | 17th stage 2021-05-26
24.05 2846 Giro d'Italia | 16th stage 2021-05-24
23.05 5356 Giro d'Italia | 15th stage 2021-05-23
22.05 10557 Giro d'Italia | 14th stage 2021-05-22
21.05 11546 Giro d'Italia | 13th stage 2021-05-21
20.05 5746 Giro d'Italia | 12th stage 2021-05-20
19.05 3746 Giro d'Italia | 11th stage 2021-05-19
17.05 10261 Giro d'Italia | 10th stage 2021-05-17
16.05 6264 Giro d'Italia | 9th stage 2021-05-16
15.05 565 Giro d'Italia | 8th stage 2021-05-154
14.05 7477 Giro d'Italia | 7th stage 2021-05-14
13.05 6880 Giro d'Italia | 6th stage 2021-05-13
12.05 11089 Giro d'Italia | 5th stage 2021-05-12
11.05 11296 Giro d'Italia | 4th stage 2021-05-11
10.05 4388 Giro d'Italia | 3rd stage 2021-05-10
09.05 124132 Giro d'Italia | 2nd stage 2021-05-09
08.05 137137 Giro d'Italia | 1st stage 2021-05-08
23.04 4721 Tour of the Alps | 5th stage 2021-04-23
22.04 2723 Tour of the Alps | 4th stage 2021-04-22
21.04 4530 Tour of the Alps | 3rd stage 2021-04-21
20.04 2332 Tour of the Alps | 2nd stage 2021-04-20
19.04 6363 Tour of the Alps | 1st stage 2021-04-19
11.04 5222 Tour of Rhodes | 3rd stage 2021-04-11
10.04 2724 Tour of Rhodes | 2nd stage 2021-04-10
09.04 5257 Tour of Rhodes | 1st stage 2021-04-09
08.04 8888 Tour of Rhodes | Prologue 2021-04-08
27.03 5438 Coppi e Bartali | 6th stage 2021-03-27
26.03 2524 Coppi e Bartali | 5th stage 2021-03-26
25.03 5132 Coppi e Bartali | 4th stage 2021-03-25
24.03 2336 Coppi e Bartali | 3rd stage 2021-03-24
23.03 22125 Coppi e Bartali | 2nd stage | TTT 2021-03-23
23.03 132132 Coppi e Bartali | 1st stage 2021-03-23