Aleksey Grunin

Russia, 25 years


Aleksey Grunin is a 25 year old cyclist from Russia (born May 19th 1998).


2017 2016

All Flat Hilly Time Trial UCI?
Date Pos GC Race
06.03 2 Sochi Autodrom Race I | NE 2017-03-06Show more
12.03 12 Sochi Autodrom Race II | NE 2017-03-12Show more
09.05 Five rings of Moscow | 2.2 2017-05-09 Show more
09.05 DNF Five rings of Moscow | Overall 2017-05-09
23.06 49 Russia ITT | CN 2017-06-23Show more
25.06 DNF Russia RR | CN 2017-06-25Show more
28.07 33 Russia RR-U23 | CN 2017-07-28Show more
18.09 People North-Caucasus NE 2017-09-18
09.09 3 People North-Caucasus | 1st stage 2017-09-09
07.05 DNF Five rings of Moscow | 2nd stage 2017-05-07
06.05 9495 Five rings of Moscow | 1st stage 2017-05-06
05.05 8888 Five rings of Moscow | Prologue 2017-05-05