André Dierickx

Belgium, 76 years


André Dierickx is a 76 year old cyclist from Belgium (born October 29th 1947). He has won 37 UCI races. Strengths: Cobbles, Hilly, Flat, Stage race.

History Team and ranking Championship of Zurich One-day race Stage race

Date Pos GC Race Distance CAT
1978-04-30 1978 30.04 47 Championship of Zurich 265.5 km 1.HC
1977-05-08 1977 08.05 5 Championship of Zurich 250.0 km 1.HC
1975-05-04 1975 04.05 8 Championship of Zurich 254.0 km SPP
1974-05-05 1974 05.05 7 Championship of Zurich 254.0 km 1.HC
1973-05-06 1973 06.05 1 Championship of Zurich 254.0 km 1.HC
1970-05-04 1970 04.05 3 Championship of Zurich 239.0 km 1.HC
1969-05-04 1969 04.05 47 Championship of Zurich 261.0 km 1.HC