Chiara Agnelli

Italy, 30 years


Chiara Agnelli is a 30 year old cyclist from Italy (born April 20th 1994).


Chirio Forno d'Asolo (UCI Women)
All Flat Hilly UCI?
Date Pos GC Race
12.05 85 Chongming Island World Cup | CDM 2013-05-12Show more
10.05 Tour of Chongming Island | 2.1 2013-05-10 Show more
10.05 81 Tour of Chongming Island | Overall 2013-05-10
03.08 DNF Erondegemse Pijl | 1.2 2013-08-03Show more
18.05 Tour of Zhoushan Island II | 2.2 2013-05-18 Show more
18.05 DNF Tour of Zhoushan Island II | Overall 2013-05-18
23.06 DNF Italy RR | CNRR 2013-06-23Show more
10.03 38 GP Féminin de Chambéry | NE 2013-03-10Show more
16.05 OOT Tour of Zhoushan Island II | 1st stage 2013-05-16
10.05 5881 Tour of Chongming Island | 3rd stage 2013-05-10
09.05 8282 Tour of Chongming Island | 2nd stage 2013-05-09
08.05 8383 Tour of Chongming Island | 1st stage 2013-05-08