Julian Ramsbottom

Great Britain, 52 years


Julian Ramsbottom is a 52 year old cyclist from Great Britain (born February 3rd 1972).

2001 2000 1999 1996 1990

All Flat Hilly Time Trial
Date Pos GC Race
11.04 4 Archer GP | 1.5 1999-04-11Show more
29.05 Tour of Britain | 2.4 1999-05-29 Show more
29.05 DNF Tour of Britain | Overall 1999-05-29
25.05 DNF Tour of Britain | 4th stage 1999-05-25
24.05 37 Tour of Britain | 3rd stage 1999-05-24
24.05 97 Tour of Britain | 2nd stage 1999-05-24
23.05 62 Tour of Britain | 1st stage 1999-05-23