Ephrem Tuyishimire

Rwanda, 28 years


Ephrem Tuyishimire is a 28 year old cyclist from Rwanda (born January 1st 1996).

2018 2017 2016 2015

All Flat Hilly Time Trial Cobbles UCI?
Date Pos GC Race
28.06 10 Rwanda RR | CN 2015-06-28Show more
22.11 Tour of Rwanda | 2.2 2015-11-22 Show more
22.11 DNF Tour of Rwanda | Overall 2015-11-22
01.08 10 Northern Circuit-Rwanda CC | NE 2015-08-01Show more
02.06 10 Race To Remember-Rwanda CC | NE 2015-06-02Show more
07.03 8 Eastern Circuit-Rwanda CC | NE 2015-03-07Show more
27.06 7 Rwanda ITT | CN 2015-06-27Show more
21.11 DNS Tour of Rwanda | 6th stage 2015-11-21
20.11 3646 Tour of Rwanda | 5th stage 2015-11-20
19.11 4850 Tour of Rwanda | 4th stage 2015-11-19
18.11 5053 Tour of Rwanda | 3rd stage 2015-11-18
17.11 5353 Tour of Rwanda | 2nd stage 2015-11-17
16.11 4244 Tour of Rwanda | 1st stage 2015-11-16
15.11 5757 Tour of Rwanda | Prologue 2015-11-15