Alf Segersäll

Sweden, 68 years


Alf Segersäll is a 68 year old cyclist from Sweden (born March 16th 1956). He has won 14 UCI races. Strengths: Hilly.

1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1974

All UCI?
Date Pos GC Race
01.00 2 Championship of the Nordic Countries RR JR | Jr 1974-01-01Show more
01.00 3 Championship of the Nordic Countries TTT JR | Jr 1974-01-01Show more
01.00 1 Sweden RR-JR | CN 1974-01-01Show more
01.05 Int. 3-etappen Juniors | Jr 1974-05-01
01.05 1 Int. 3-etappen Juniors | Overall 1974-05-01