Thomas Harrington

Great Britain, 22 years


Thomas Harrington is a 22 year old cyclist from Great Britain (born November 12th 2001).

2021 2019

All Flat Hilly Time Trial
Date Pos GC Race UCI
14.07 Junior Tour of Ireland | Jr 2019-07-14
14.07 94 Junior Tour of Ireland | Overall 2019-07-14
14.04 Junior Tour of Mendips | Jr 2019-04-14
14.04 DNF Junior Tour of Mendips | Overall 2019-04-14
14.07 93 Junior Tour of Ireland | 6th stage 2019-07-14
13.07 58 Junior Tour of Ireland | 5th stage 2019-07-13
12.07 97 Junior Tour of Ireland | 4th stage 2019-07-12
11.07 47 Junior Tour of Ireland | 3rd stage 2019-07-11
10.07 30 Junior Tour of Ireland | 2nd stage 2019-07-10
09.07 79 Junior Tour of Ireland | 1st stage 2019-07-09
13.04 DNS Junior Tour of Mendips | 1st stage 2019-04-13
13.04 62 Junior Tour of Mendips | Prologue 2019-04-13