Lijing Lang

China, 37 years


Lijing Lang is a 37 year old cyclist from China (born April 7th 1987).


All Flat Time Trial
Date Pos GC Race
02.06 18 Chongming Island Time Trial | 1.2 2007-06-02Show more
06.06 Tour of Chongming Island | 2.2 2007-06-06 Show more
06.06 23 Tour of Chongming Island | Overall 2007-06-06
06.06 1823 Tour of Chongming Island | 4th stage 2007-06-06
05.06 2417 Tour of Chongming Island | 3rd stage 2007-06-05
04.06 2414 Tour of Chongming Island | 2nd stage 2007-06-04
03.06 1111 Tour of Chongming Island | 1st stage 2007-06-03