Stefano Colagè

Italy, 61 years


Stefano Colagè is a 61 year old cyclist from Italy (born July 8th 1962). He has won 24 UCI races. Strengths: Hilly, Stage race.

History Team and ranking Championship of Zurich One-day race Stage race

Date Pos GC Race Distance CAT
1997-08-24 1997 24.08 110 Championship of Zurich 237.0 km CDM
1996-08-25 1996 25.08 96 Championship of Zurich 232.0 km CDM
1995-08-20 1995 20.08 74 Championship of Zurich 235.0 km CDM
1994-08-21 1994 21.08 17 Championship of Zurich 243.6 km CDM