Andrus Aug

Estonia, 51 years


Andrus Aug is a 51 year old cyclist from Estonia (born May 22nd 1972). He has won 22 UCI races.

Best results Victories Grand Tours Monuments


Date Race CAT
2004-04-04 2004 04.04 Grand Prix de Rennes 1.3
2002-07-21 2002 21.07 GP Nobili Rubinetterie 1.3
2002-02-17 2002 17.02 Porec Trophy IV 1.5
2001-02-17 2001 17.02 Porec Trophy III 1.5
1996-06-26 1996 26.06 CN Estonia RR CN
2005-04-22 2005 22.04 Tour of the Alps | 4th stage 2.1
2002-09-10 2002 10.09 Tour de Pologne | 2nd stage 2.2
2002-08-31 2002 31.08 Okolo Slovenska | 4th stage 2.5
2002-07-03 2002 03.07 Solidarnosc Champions | 1st stage 2.3
2002-05-17 2002 17.05 Course de la Paix | 9th stage 2.2
2002-03-17 2002 17.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2.5
2001-09-07 2001 07.09 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 5th stage 2.5
2001-07-08 2001 08.07 Solidarnosc Champions | 6th stage 2.4
2001-07-04 2001 04.07 Solidarnosc Champions | 1st stage 2.4
2000-04-15 2001 15.04 Tour du Maroc | 13th stage 2.5
2000-04-11 2001 11.04 Tour du Maroc | 9th stage 2.5
2000-04-10 2001 10.04 Tour du Maroc | 8th stage 2.5
2000-04-08 2001 08.04 Tour du Maroc | 7th stage 2.5
2000-04-02 2001 02.04 Tour du Maroc | 1st stage 2.5
2000-09-19 2000 19.09 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 2nd stage 2.5
2000-09-06 2000 06.09 Tour of Yugoslavia | 2nd stage 2.5
1996-02-27 1996 27.02 Rapport Tour | 7th stage 2.5