Andreas Koch

Germany, 50 years


Andreas Koch is a 50 year old cyclist from Germany (born June 12th 1973).

2008 2007

All Flat Hilly Mountain
Date Pos GC Race
14.09 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 2.2 2008-09-14 Show more
14.09 DNF Tour of Bulgaria - South | Overall 2008-09-14
13.09 OOT Tour of Bulgaria - South | 6th stage 2008-09-13
11.09 75 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 4th stage 2008-09-11
10.09 82 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 3rd stage 2008-09-10
09.09 84 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 2nd stage 2008-09-09
08.09 82 Tour of Bulgaria - South | 1st stage 2008-09-08