Morgan Pilley



Morgan Pilley is a cyclist from Australia.


All Flat Hilly Time Trial
Date Pos GC Race
08.11 Tour of Southland | NE 2014-11-08
08.11 38 Tour of Southland | Overall 2014-11-08
08.11 6238 Tour of Southland | 7th stage 2014-11-08
08.11 8537 Tour of Southland | 6th stage 2014-11-08
07.11 5237 Tour of Southland | 5th stage 2014-11-07
06.11 2739 Tour of Southland | 4th stage 2014-11-06
05.11 3842 Tour of Southland | 3rd stage 2014-11-05
04.11 3845 Tour of Southland | 2nd stage 2014-11-04
03.11 5649 Tour of Southland | 1st stage 2014-11-03
02.11 840 Tour of Southland | Prologue | TTT 2014-11-02