John Talen

Netherlands, 59 years


John Talen is a 59 year old cyclist from Netherlands (born January 18th 1965). He has won 21 UCI races. Strengths: Cobbles.

History Team and ranking Tour of Leuven One-day race Stage race

Date Pos GC Race Distance CAT
1999-09-05 1999 05.09 20 Tour of Leuven 192.0 km 1.4
1997-09-07 1997 07.09 63 Tour of Leuven 187.0 km 1.4
1995-09-03 1995 03.09 29 Tour of Leuven 187.0 km 1.4
1994-09-04 1994 04.09 19 Tour of Leuven 173.0 km 1.4
1992-08-30 1992 30.08 14 Tour of Leuven 184.0 km 1.4