Eun Mi Park

South Korea, 36 years


Eun Mi Park is a 36 year old cyclist from South Korea (born July 6th 1987).

2011 2005

All Flat
Date Pos GC Race
15.05 87 Chongming Island World Cup | CDM 2011-05-15Show more
13.05 Tour of Chongming Island | 2.1 2011-05-13 Show more
13.05 70 Tour of Chongming Island | Overall 2011-05-13
13.05 7770 Tour of Chongming Island | 3rd stage 2011-05-13
12.05 7070 Tour of Chongming Island | 2nd stage 2011-05-12
11.05 7441 Tour of Chongming Island | 1st stage 2011-05-11