James Bristol

Seychelles, 41 years


James Bristol is a 41 year old cyclist from Seychelles (born October 1st 1982).


All Hilly
Date Pos GC Race
14.11 DNF Africa RR | CCRR 2010-11-14Show more
25.11 Tour of Rwanda | 2.2 2010-11-25 Show more
25.11 DNF Tour of Rwanda | Overall 2010-11-25
20.11 DNF Tour of Rwanda | 5th stage 2010-11-20
19.11 76 Tour of Rwanda | 4th stage 2010-11-19
18.11 79 Tour of Rwanda | 3rd stage 2010-11-18
18.11 77 Tour of Rwanda | 2nd stage 2010-11-18
17.11 69 Tour of Rwanda | 1st stage 2010-11-17