Diadora - Pasta Zara

UCI Women, Italy, 2012

Diadora - Pasta Zara (2012) is a UCI Women Team cycling team from Italy.

Latest results

29.08-02.09 Giro Toscana Int. Femminile 2.1 #19
04-12.08 La Route de France 2.1 #7
29.06-07.07 Giro d'Italia Women 2.1 #29
16-17.06 Giro del Trentino 2.1 #17
07-10.06 Emakumeen Bira 2.1 #29
24-28.05 The Exergy Tour 2.1 #27
27-29.04 Festival Elsy Jacobs 2.1 #29
01-03.02 Ladies Tour of Qatar 2.1 #22