Tom Lindner

Germany, 23 years


Tom Lindner is a 23-year-old cyclist from Germany, born August 29th 2001.


2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

P&S Metalltechnik (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1433 (21pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
15.08 3 Spremberger-League Cup | NE 2021-08-15Show more
06.11 44 Europe u23 | Cyclocross 2021-11-06Show more
31.10 3 München | Cyclocross 2021-10-31Show more
24.10 1 Bundesliga-Lohner Aussichtsturm | Cyclocross 2021-10-24Show more
23.10 1 Bundesliga-QuerFeldRhein | Cyclocross 2021-10-23Show more
08.08 Czech Tour | 2.1 2021-08-08 Show more
08.08 79 Czech Tour | Overall 2021-08-08
22.08 CCC Tour | 2.2 2021-08-22 Show more
22.08 20 CCC Tour | Overall 2021-08-22
29.08 Deutschland Tour | 2.Pro 2021-08-29 Show more
29.08 14 Deutschland Tour | Overall 2021-08-2915
11.09 1 Erzgebirgsrundfahrt | NE 2021-09-11Show more
18.09 11 Sauerländer Bergpreis | NE 2021-09-18Show more
19.09 15 Sauerlandrundfahrt | NE 2021-09-19Show more
24.09 39 World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2021-09-243Show more
03.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2021-10-03 Show more
03.10 74 CRO Race | Overall 2021-10-03
16.10 1 Bundesliga-Bad Salzdetfurth | Cyclocross 2021-10-16Show more
17.10 2 Bad Salzdetfurth I | Cyclocross 2021-10-17Show more
29.06 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2021-06-29 Show more
29.06 45 In the Steps of Romans | Overall 2021-06-29
17.07 Dookola Mazowsza | 2.2 2021-07-17 Show more
17.07 15 Dookola Mazowsza | Overall 2021-07-17
03.03 90 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2021-03-03Show more
14.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2021-03-14 Show more
14.03 DNF Istrian Spring Trophy | Overall 2021-03-14
11.07 2 Radsportevent Hartmannsdorf | NE 2021-07-11Show more
18.07 83 Puchar Mon | 1.2 2021-07-18Show more
05.07 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2021-07-05 Show more
05.07 17 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2021-07-05
20.06 28 Germany RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
19.06 13 Germany ITT-U23 | CN 2021-06-19Show more
13.06 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2.2 2021-06-13 Show more
13.06 DNF Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Overall 2021-06-13
05.06 78 Gippinger Radsporttage | NE 2021-06-05Show more
24.05 DNF GER/LUX/SUI/AUT RR-U23 | CN 2021-05-24Show more
01.05 62 GP Vorarlberg | NE 2021-05-01Show more
29.06 16 In the Steps of Romans | Youth 2021-06-29
29.08 5 Deutschland Tour | Youth 2021-08-29
08.08 19 Czech Tour | Youth 2021-08-08
22.08 6 CCC Tour | Youth 2021-08-22
05.07 5 Tour of Bulgaria | Youth 2021-07-05
03.10 16 CRO Race | Youth 2021-10-03
17.07 7 Dookola Mazowsza | Youth 2021-07-17
08.08 14 Czech Tour | Points 2021-08-08
22.08 14 CCC Tour | Points 2021-08-22
03.10 30 CRO Race | Points 2021-10-03
03.10 26 CRO Race | Mountain 2021-10-03
08.08 14 Czech Tour | Mountain 2021-08-08
29.06 6 In the Steps of Romans | Mountain 2021-06-29
29.06 5 In the Steps of Romans | Sprint 2021-06-29
03.10 5574 CRO Race | 6th stage 2021-10-03
02.10 10584 CRO Race | 5th stage 2021-10-02
01.10 11685 CRO Race | 4th stage 2021-10-01
30.09 6361 CRO Race | 3rd stage 2021-09-30
29.09 6047 CRO Race | 2nd stage 2021-09-29
28.09 3135 CRO Race | 1st stage 2021-09-28
29.08 1314 Deutschland Tour | 4th stage 2021-08-29
28.08 2223 Deutschland Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-28
27.08 1725 Deutschland Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-27
26.08 4043 Deutschland Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-26
22.08 2020 CCC Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-22
21.08 2524 CCC Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-21
20.08 166 CCC Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-20
08.08 4979 Czech Tour | 4th stage 2021-08-08
07.08 8788 Czech Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-07
06.08 10392 Czech Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-06
05.08 33 Czech Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-053
17.07 3015 Dookola Mazowsza | 4th stage 2021-07-17
16.07 6924 Dookola Mazowsza | 3rd stage 2021-07-16
15.07 2324 Dookola Mazowsza | 2nd stage 2021-07-15
14.07 9192 Dookola Mazowsza | 1st stage 2021-07-14
05.07 2617 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2021-07-05
04.07 2917 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2021-07-04
03.07 1417 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2021-07-03
02.07 2117 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2021-07-02
01.07 5321 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2021-07-01
30.06 2121 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2021-06-30
29.06 7145 In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage 2021-06-29
28.06 5151 In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage 2021-06-28
12.06 DNF Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2nd stage 2021-06-12
11.06 114113 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 1st stage 2021-06-11
10.06 5252 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Prologue 2021-06-10
14.03 DNF Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2021-03-14
13.03 8077 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2nd stage 2021-03-13
12.03 5849 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1st stage 2021-03-12
11.03 6060 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prologue 2021-03-11