02.06 |
24 | | |
GP Televie-Blaimont
| 1.IC2
2024-06-02 | | Show more |
24.05 |
Tour of Albania
| 2.2
2024-05-24 |
| Show more |
24.05 |
7 | | |
Tour of Albania
| Overall
2024-05-24 | 5 | |
09.07 |
32 | | |
| KP
2024-07-09 | | Show more |
14.07 |
27 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-07-14 | | Show more |
21.07 |
Province Cycling Tour
| 2.IC
2024-07-21 |
| |
21.07 |
87 | | |
Province Cycling Tour
| Overall
2024-07-21 | | |
11.08 |
Tour de la Province de Namur
| 2.IC
2024-08-11 |
| |
11.08 |
122 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur
| Overall
2024-08-11 | | |
15.08 |
46 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-08-15 | | Show more |
07.07 |
19 | | |
Tourinnes St.Lambert
| 1.12B
2024-07-07 | | Show more |
29.08 |
Tour of Bulgaria
| 2.2
2024-08-29 |
| Show more |
29.08 |
60 | | |
Tour of Bulgaria
| Overall
2024-08-29 | | |
01.09 |
In the Steps of Romans
| 2.2
2024-09-01 |
| Show more |
01.09 |
27 | | |
In the Steps of Romans
| Overall
2024-09-01 | | |
28.09 |
83 | | |
Grand Prix Cerami
| 1.2
2024-09-28 | | Show more |
07.10 |
34 | | |
Petegem Aan de Leie
| 1.12B
2024-10-07 | | Show more |
12.05 |
56 | | |
Omloop Markvallei Galmaarden
| 1.IC2
2024-05-12 | | Show more |
05.05 |
49 | | |
La Flèche Mosane
| 1.IC2
2024-05-05 | | Show more |
01.05 |
9 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-05-01 | | Show more |
25.02 |
75 | | |
| 1.IC2
2024-02-25 | | Show more |
10.03 |
DNF | | |
GP Vermarc Sport - Rotselaar
| KP
2024-03-10 | | Show more |
23.03 |
56 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-03-23 | | Show more |
30.03 |
67 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-03-30 | | Show more |
07.04 |
32 | | |
PK Vlaams-Brabant
| 1.12A
2024-04-07 | | Show more |
20.04 |
40 | | |
G.P.Claudy Sohet
| 1.12B
2024-04-20 | | Show more |
28.04 |
64 | | |
GP de la Somme
| 1.2
2024-04-28 | | Show more |
12.10 |
41 | | |
| 1.12B
2024-10-12 | | Show more |
24.05 |
24 | | |
Tour of Albania
| Points
2024-05-24 | | |
01.09 |
23 | 27 | |
In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage
2024-09-01 | | |
31.08 |
40 | 40 | |
In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage
2024-08-31 | | |
29.08 |
37 | 60 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage
2024-08-29 | | |
28.08 |
55 | 63 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage
2024-08-28 | | |
27.08 |
74 | 72 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage
2024-08-27 | | |
26.08 |
43 | 56 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage
2024-08-26 | | |
25.08 |
59 | 66 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage
2024-08-25 | | |
24.08 |
51 | 51 | |
Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue
2024-08-24 | | |
11.08 |
104 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur | 5th stage
2024-08-11 | | |
10.08 |
134 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur | 4th stage
2024-08-10 | | |
09.08 |
145 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur | 3rd stage
2024-08-09 | | |
08.08 |
114 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur | 2nd stage
2024-08-08 | | |
07.08 |
122 | | |
Tour de la Province de Namur | 1st stage
2024-08-07 | | |
21.07 |
89 | | |
Province Cycling Tour | 4th stage
2024-07-21 | | |
19.07 |
67 | | |
Province Cycling Tour | 2nd stage
2024-07-19 | | |
18.07 |
100 | | |
Province Cycling Tour | 1st stage
2024-07-18 | | |
24.05 |
29 | 7 | |
Tour of Albania | 5th stage
2024-05-24 | | |
23.05 |
10 | 7 | |
Tour of Albania | 4th stage
2024-05-23 | | |
22.05 |
21 | 12 | |
Tour of Albania | 3rd stage
2024-05-22 | | |
21.05 |
14 | 9 | |
Tour of Albania | 2nd stage
2024-05-21 | | |
20.05 |
12 | 12 | |
Tour of Albania | 1st stage
2024-05-20 | | |