Hyo-suk Gong

South Korea, 38 years


Hyo-suk Gong is a 38-year-old cyclist from South Korea, born January 1st 1986. He has won 3 UCI races.

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2012 2011 2010 2009

KSPO (Continental) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race
22.10 Jelajah Malaysia | 2.2 2016-10-22 Show more
22.10 10 Jelajah Malaysia | Overall 2016-10-22
02.03 Tour de Langkawi | 2.HC 2016-03-02 Show more
02.03 85 Tour de Langkawi | Overall 2016-03-02
24.06 1 South Korea RR | CN 2016-06-24Show more
23.06 5 South Korea ITT | CN 2016-06-23Show more
12.06 Tour de Korea | 2.1 2016-06-12 Show more
12.06 3 Tour de Korea | Overall 2016-06-12
06.04 Tour of Thailand | 2.2 2016-04-06 Show more
06.04 54 Tour of Thailand | Overall 2016-04-06
02.03 14 Tour de Langkawi | Points 2016-03-02
22.10 36 Jelajah Malaysia | Points 2016-10-22
12.06 25 Tour de Korea | Points 2016-06-12
22.10 16 Jelajah Malaysia | Mountain 2016-10-22
12.06 5 Tour de Korea | Mountain 2016-06-12
02.03 6 Tour de Langkawi | Mountain 2016-03-02
22.10 3210 Jelajah Malaysia | 5th stage 2016-10-22
21.10 3810 Jelajah Malaysia | 4th stage 2016-10-21
20.10 209 Jelajah Malaysia | 3rd stage 2016-10-20
19.10 109 Jelajah Malaysia | 2nd stage 2016-10-19
18.10 1111 Jelajah Malaysia | 1st stage 2016-10-18
12.06 183 Tour de Korea | 8th stage 2016-06-12
11.06 423 Tour de Korea | 7th stage 2016-06-11
10.06 43 Tour de Korea | 6th stage 2016-06-10
09.06 3443 Tour de Korea | 5th stage 2016-06-09
08.06 4946 Tour de Korea | 4th stage 2016-06-08
07.06 4347 Tour de Korea | 3rd stage 2016-06-07
06.06 5752 Tour de Korea | 2nd stage 2016-06-06
05.06 6666 Tour de Korea | 1st stage 2016-06-05
06.04 3754 Tour of Thailand | 6th stage 2016-04-06
05.04 8460 Tour of Thailand | 5th stage 2016-04-05
04.04 8660 Tour of Thailand | 4th stage 2016-04-04
03.04 8559 Tour of Thailand | 3rd stage 2016-04-03
02.04 8761 Tour of Thailand | 2nd stage 2016-04-02
01.04 3231 Tour of Thailand | 1st stage 2016-04-01
02.03 11085 Tour de Langkawi | 8th stage 2016-03-02
01.03 11380 Tour de Langkawi | 7th stage 2016-03-01
29.02 9378 Tour de Langkawi | 6th stage 2016-02-29
28.02 10276 Tour de Langkawi | 5th stage 2016-02-28
27.02 1574 Tour de Langkawi | 4th stage 2016-02-27
26.02 114124 Tour de Langkawi | 3rd stage 2016-02-26
25.02 126126 Tour de Langkawi | 2nd stage 2016-02-25
24.02 9496 Tour de Langkawi | 1st stage 2016-02-24