Ziga Groselj

Slovenia, 31 years


Ziga Groselj is a 31-year-old cyclist from Slovenia, born August 31st 1993.

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Felbermayr - Simplon Wels (Continental) UCI Ranking: 2369 (3pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
15.08 78 MYGYM Race am Salzburg Ring | NE 2021-08-15Show more
01.08 7 Burgenland-Rundfahrt | NE 2021-08-01Show more
25.07 47 GP Kranj | 1.2 2021-07-25Show more
17.07 30 Erlauftaler Radsporttage Road Race | NE 2021-07-17Show more
20.06 20 Slovenia RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
23.05 Alpes Isère Tour | 2.2 2021-05-23 Show more
23.05 63 Alpes Isère Tour | Overall 2021-05-23
30.05 55 GP Slovenia | 1.2 2021-05-30Show more
01.05 97 GP Vorarlberg | NE 2021-05-01Show more
08.08 Czech Tour | 2.1 2021-08-08 Show more
08.08 54 Czech Tour | Overall 2021-08-08
21.08 11 Hochkar Bergrennen | NE 2021-08-21Show more
21.03 46 Eröffnungsrennen Leonding | NE 2021-03-21Show more
03.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2021-10-03 Show more
03.10 24 CRO Race | Overall 2021-10-033
12.09 13 Mühlviertler Hügelwelt Classic | NE 2021-09-12Show more
05.09 A Travers les Hauts | 2.2 2021-09-05 Show more
05.09 50 A Travers les Hauts | Overall 2021-09-05
29.08 15 Int.Brannauer Radsporttage | NE 2021-08-29Show more
25.04 56 Kirschblütenrennen | NE 2021-04-25Show more
11.04 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2021-04-11 Show more
11.04 26 Tour of Rhodes | Overall 2021-04-11
04.04 85 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2021-04-04Show more
28.03 24 GP Adria Mobil | 1.2 2021-03-28Show more
14.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2021-03-14 Show more
14.03 40 Istrian Spring Trophy | Overall 2021-03-14
07.03 157 Porec Trophy | 1.2 2021-03-07Show more
03.03 50 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2021-03-03Show more
03.10 56 CRO Race | Points 2021-10-03
14.03 11 Istrian Spring Trophy | Mountain 2021-03-14
23.05 18 Alpes Isère Tour | Mountain 2021-05-23
03.10 3824 CRO Race | 6th stage 2021-10-03
02.10 2925 CRO Race | 5th stage 2021-10-02
01.10 4217 CRO Race | 4th stage 2021-10-01
30.09 1914 CRO Race | 3rd stage 2021-09-30
29.09 1533 CRO Race | 2nd stage 2021-09-29
28.09 3740 CRO Race | 1st stage 2021-09-28
05.09 3650 A Travers les Hauts | 3rd stage 2021-09-05
04.09 3162 A Travers les Hauts | 2nd stage 2021-09-04
03.09 9695 A Travers les Hauts | 1st stage 2021-09-03
08.08 5854 Czech Tour | 4th stage 2021-08-08
07.08 5659 Czech Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-07
06.08 7171 Czech Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-06
05.08 9393 Czech Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-05
23.05 6963 Alpes Isère Tour | 5th stage 2021-05-23
22.05 5976 Alpes Isère Tour | 4th stage 2021-05-22
21.05 10790 Alpes Isère Tour | 3rd stage 2021-05-21
20.05 9681 Alpes Isère Tour | 2nd stage 2021-05-20
19.05 8181 Alpes Isère Tour | 1st stage 2021-05-19
11.04 5726 Tour of Rhodes | 3rd stage 2021-04-11
10.04 3027 Tour of Rhodes | 2nd stage 2021-04-10
09.04 5048 Tour of Rhodes | 1st stage 2021-04-09
08.04 6868 Tour of Rhodes | Prologue 2021-04-08
14.03 6940 Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2021-03-14
13.03 5449 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2nd stage 2021-03-13
12.03 15047 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1st stage 2021-03-12
11.03 5656 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prologue 2021-03-11