Kiaan Watts

Israel Premier Tech Academy, New Zealand, 23 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Kiaan Watts is a 23-year-old cyclist from New Zealand, born July 27th 2001. He rides for Israel Premier Tech Academy, a UCI Continental. He has won 2 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1598th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

AT85 Pro Cycling UCI Ranking: 1885 (18pts) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race UCI
28.05 11 Sinaai-Waas | 1.12A 2023-05-28Show more
29.05 19 Berlare | 1.12B 2023-05-29Show more
03.06 2 Moorslede | 1.12B 2023-06-03Show more
02.06 7 Gullegem | 1.12B 2023-06-02Show more
05.06 6 Kemzeke-Stekene | 1.12B 2023-06-05Show more
19.08 8 GP des Marbriers | 1.12.1 2023-08-19Show more
20.08 18 Grand Prix de Bavay | 1.12.1 2023-08-20Show more
23.08 3 Sint Gillis Waas | 1.12B 2023-08-23Show more
25.08 1 Spiere-Helkijn | 1.12B 2023-08-25Show more
29.08 4 Oordegem | 1.12B 2023-08-29Show more
31.08 10 GP Gemeente Kortemark | KP 2023-08-31Show more
02.09 4 Wakken | 1.12 2023-09-02Show more
04.09 55 GP John Hannes - Erpe | 1.IC1 2023-09-04Show more
19.05 14 Moerbeke | 1.12B 2023-05-19Show more
15.05 3 Belsele-Puivelde | 1.12B 2023-05-15Show more
03.01 Bay Cycling Classic | NE 2023-01-03
03.01 12 Bay Cycling Classic | Overall 2023-01-03
23.01 3 New Zealand Crit | NE 2023-01-23Show more
15.01 NZ Cycle Classic | 2.2 2023-01-15 Show more
15.01 37 NZ Cycle Classic | Overall 2023-01-15
12.02 8 New Zealand RR | CN 2023-02-1210Show more
06.04 30 Bellegem | 1.12B 2023-04-06Show more
10.04 16 Moorslede-Vierkaven | 1.12A 2023-04-10Show more
15.04 25 Herfelingen | 1.13 2023-04-15Show more
22.04 33 Zele | 1.12A 2023-04-22Show more
19.04 DNF De Haan | 1.12B 2023-04-19Show more
16.04 59 Beselare-Zonnebeke | 1.12B 2023-04-16Show more
11.04 DNF Hakendover | 1.12B 2023-04-11Show more
06.05 3 Assebroek | 1.12B 2023-05-06Show more
09.05 15 Aalbeke | 1.12B 2023-05-09Show more
13.05 8 Belsele-Puivelde | 1.12B 2023-05-13Show more
07.09 18 Izegem Koers | KP 2023-09-07Show more
10.09 1 Heule | 1.12A 2023-09-10Show more
28.08 14 Stekene | 1.12B 2023-08-28Show more
04.10 DNF Oostvlaamse Sluitingsprijs | KP 2023-10-04Show more
04.11 Tour of Southland | NE 2023-11-04
04.11 25 Tour of Southland | Overall 2023-11-04
18.05 6 Wodecq | 1.12A 2023-05-18Show more
05.04 43 Bredene | 1.12B 2023-04-05Show more
21.05 21 Londerzeel | 1.12B 2023-05-21Show more
15.01 15 NZ Cycle Classic | Youth 2023-01-15
15.01 2 NZ Cycle Classic | Points 2023-01-15
15.01 10 NZ Cycle Classic | Mountain 2023-01-15
04.11 11 Tour of Southland | Mountain 2023-11-04
04.11 18 Tour of Southland | Sprint 2023-11-04
04.11 4 Tour of Southland | 8th stage 2023-11-04
04.11 10 Tour of Southland | 7th stage 2023-11-04
03.11 61 Tour of Southland | 6th stage 2023-11-03
02.11 61 Tour of Southland | 5th stage 2023-11-02
01.11 10 Tour of Southland | 4th stage 2023-11-01
31.10 4 Tour of Southland | 3rd stage 2023-10-31
30.10 52 Tour of Southland | 2nd stage 2023-10-30
29.10 3 Tour of Southland | 1st stage 2023-10-29
29.10 3 Tour of Southland | Prologue | TTT 2023-10-29
15.01 1137 NZ Cycle Classic | 5th stage 2023-01-15
14.01 344 NZ Cycle Classic | 4th stage 2023-01-141
13.01 5950 NZ Cycle Classic | 3rd stage 2023-01-13
12.01 17 NZ Cycle Classic | 2nd stage 2023-01-127
11.01 1717 NZ Cycle Classic | 1st stage 2023-01-11
02.01 6 Bay Cycling Classic | 2nd stage 2023-01-02
01.01 13 Bay Cycling Classic | 1st stage 2023-01-01