Karel Tyrpekl

Czechia, 25 years


Karel Tyrpekl is a 25-year-old cyclist from Czechia, born August 14th 1999.

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

ATT Investments (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1824 (15pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
20.03 23 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2022-03-20Show more
04.09 23 Skoda Cup - Hrabyn u Ostravy | NE 2022-09-04Show more
06.09 7 Giant Liga-VC 130 Slavii | NE 2022-09-06Show more
11.09 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 2.2 2022-09-11 Show more
11.09 42 Okolo Jiznich Cech | Overall 2022-09-11
24.09 34 Skoda Cup-Mlada Boleslav | NE 2022-09-24Show more
31.12 39 General Final Skoda Cup | NE 2022-12-31Show more
20.09 40 General Final Giant Liga | NE 2022-09-20Show more
28.08 20 Braunau I | NE 2022-08-28Show more
14.08 13 Memorial Jana Magiery | 1.2 2022-08-14Show more
13.03 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2.2 2022-03-13 Show more
13.03 5 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Overall 2022-03-1315
10.04 35 Kirschblütenrennen | NE 2022-04-10Show more
27.03 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2022-03-27 Show more
27.03 26 Tour of Rhodes | Overall 2022-03-27
16.04 9 Sobeslavske Okruhy | NE 2022-04-16Show more
07.05 DNF Ronde van Overijssel | 1.2 2022-05-07Show more
22.05 RBB Tour | NE 2022-05-22
22.05 25 RBB Tour | Overall 2022-05-22
29.05 Flèche du Sud | 2.2 2022-05-29 Show more
29.05 24 Flèche du Sud | Overall 2022-05-29
05.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2022-06-05 Show more
05.06 40 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2022-06-05
26.06 26 Czech/Slovakia RR | CN 2022-06-26Show more
09.07 29 GP Czechia | 1.2 2022-07-09Show more
05.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2.1 2022-07-05 Show more
05.07 48 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Overall 2022-07-05
18.07 14 GP Gemenc Criterium | NE 2022-07-18Show more
24.07 21 GP Kranj | 1.2 2022-07-24Show more
17.07 GP de Gemenc | 2.2 2022-07-17 Show more
17.07 66 GP de Gemenc | Overall 2022-07-17
07.08 8 Burgenland-Rundfahrt | NE 2022-08-07Show more
13.08 DNF Mem.Henryka Lasaka | 1.2 2022-08-13Show more
22.05 2 RBB Tour | Mountain 2022-05-22
27.03 1 Tour of Rhodes | Mountain 2022-03-27
13.03 3 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Mountain 2022-03-13
17.07 8 GP de Gemenc | Mountain 2022-07-17
11.09 5142 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 4th stage 2022-09-11
10.09 5740 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 3rd stage 2022-09-10
09.09 4046 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 2nd stage 2022-09-09
08.09 7171 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 1st stage 2022-09-08
17.07 6666 GP de Gemenc | 2nd stage 2022-07-17
16.07 7878 GP de Gemenc | 1st stage 2022-07-16
05.07 8448 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 4th stage 2022-07-05
05.07 7548 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2022-07-05
04.07 4848 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2022-07-04
03.07 8067 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2022-07-03
02.07 4747 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Prologue 2022-07-02
05.06 3140 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2022-06-05
04.06 6161 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2022-06-04
03.06 6868 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2022-06-03
29.05 4524 Flèche du Sud | 5th stage 2022-05-29
28.05 2824 Flèche du Sud | 4th stage 2022-05-28
27.05 3734 Flèche du Sud | 3rd stage 2022-05-27
26.05 6062 Flèche du Sud | 2nd stage 2022-05-26
25.05 7777 Flèche du Sud | 1st stage 2022-05-25
22.05 32 RBB Tour | 3rd stage 2022-05-22
21.05 20 RBB Tour | 2nd stage 2022-05-21
20.05 31 RBB Tour | 1st stage 2022-05-20
27.03 2426 Tour of Rhodes | 3rd stage 2022-03-27
26.03 5442 Tour of Rhodes | 2nd stage 2022-03-26
25.03 3651 Tour of Rhodes | 1st stage 2022-03-25
24.03 6060 Tour of Rhodes | Prologue 2022-03-24
13.03 115 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2nd stage 2022-03-13
12.03 55 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 1st stage 2022-03-12