Achraf Ed Doghmy

Kawkab A.C.Marrakech, Morocco, 25 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Achraf Ed Doghmy is a 25-year-old cyclist from Morocco, born November 19th 1999. He rides for Kawkab A.C.Marrakech. He has won 13 UCI races, and is currently ranked 826th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Kawkab A.C.Marrakech UCI Ranking: 169 (570pts) UCI: Wins: 9
Date Pos GC Race UCI
29.01 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 2.1 2023-01-29 Show more
29.01 17 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Overall 2023-01-293
13.02 3 Africa RR | CCRR 2023-02-13150Show more
05.02 Tour du Sahel | 2.2 2023-02-05 Show more
05.02 2 Tour du Sahel | Overall 2023-02-0530
26.02 Tour of Rwanda | 2.1 2023-02-26 Show more
26.02 36 Tour of Rwanda | Overall 2023-02-26
04.03 2 Marrakech-3 | NE 2023-03-04Show more
05.03 2 GP Ajcm-Marrakech | NE 2023-03-05Show more
11.03 6 Khourigba-1 | NE 2023-03-11Show more
19.03 Tour de Marrakech Safi | NE 2023-03-19
19.03 1 Tour de Marrakech Safi | Overall 2023-03-19
06.05 Tour du Bénin | 2.2 2023-05-06 Show more
06.05 1 Tour du Bénin | Overall 2023-05-0640
14.05 2 El Kelaa des Seraghna-2 | NE 2023-05-14Show more
26.05 30 Grand Prix du Prince Héritier Moulay El Hassan | 1.2 2023-05-26Show more
20.05 4 Khourigba-2 | NE 2023-05-20Show more
21.05 2 Khourigba-3 | NE 2023-05-21Show more
27.05 3 Grand Prix du Trône | 1.2 2023-05-2725Show more
28.05 6 Grand Prix de la Famille Royale | 1.2 2023-05-2810Show more
22.12 DNF Arab Road Cycling Championships RR | RCRR 2023-12-22Show more
10.12 2 El Kelaa des Seraghna-3 | NE 2023-12-10Show more
18.12 1 Arab Road Cycling Championships TTT | RCTT 2023-12-18Show more
11.06 Tour du Cameroun | 2.2 2023-06-11 Show more
11.06 14 Tour du Cameroun | Overall 2023-06-11
23.06 2 Morocco ITT | CN 2023-06-2330Show more
25.06 1 Morocco RR | CN 2023-06-25100Show more
09.07 1 Pan Arab Games TTT | RCTT 2023-07-09Show more
18.06 3 Settat-2 | NE 2023-06-18Show more
14.07 5 Pan Arab Games RR | RCRR 2023-07-14Show more
30.07 1 Jeux de la Francophonie RR | RCRR 2023-07-30Show more
08.09 2 Grand Prix Boukraa | 1.2 2023-09-0830Show more
09.09 4 Grand Prix Es-Semara | 1.2 2023-09-0920Show more
10.09 2 Grand Prix El Marsa | 1.2 2023-09-1030Show more
07.10 GP Chantal Biya | 2.2 2023-10-07 Show more
07.10 14 GP Chantal Biya | Overall 2023-10-07
03.09 3 GP National Sidi Ali Tour | NE 2023-09-03Show more
05.11 Tour du Faso | 2.2 2023-11-05 Show more
05.11 3 Tour du Faso | Overall 2023-11-0525
25.11 Tour du Nord Maroc | NE 2023-11-25
25.11 5 Tour du Nord Maroc | Overall 2023-11-25
12.11 4 Amezmiz | NE 2023-11-12Show more
29.01 6 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Youth 2023-01-29
06.05 1 Tour du Bénin | Youth 2023-05-06
29.01 14 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Points 2023-01-29
07.10 3 GP Chantal Biya | Points 2023-10-07
11.06 4 Tour du Cameroun | Points 2023-06-11
05.11 3 Tour du Faso | Points 2023-11-05
06.05 1 Tour du Bénin | Points 2023-05-06
29.01 11 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Mountain 2023-01-29
25.11 9 Tour du Nord Maroc | Mountain 2023-11-25
07.10 7 GP Chantal Biya | Mountain 2023-10-07
29.01 24 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Sprint 2023-01-29
25.11 17 Tour du Nord Maroc | 6th stage 2023-11-25
24.11 3 Tour du Nord Maroc | 5th stage 2023-11-24
23.11 15 Tour du Nord Maroc | 4th stage 2023-11-23
22.11 6 Tour du Nord Maroc | 3rd stage 2023-11-22
21.11 3 Tour du Nord Maroc | 2nd stage 2023-11-21
20.11 10 Tour du Nord Maroc | 1st stage 2023-11-20
05.11 13 Tour du Faso | 10th stage 2023-11-057
04.11 163 Tour du Faso | 9th stage 2023-11-04
03.11 43 Tour du Faso | 8th stage 2023-11-03
02.11 43 Tour du Faso | 7th stage 2023-11-02
01.11 23 Tour du Faso | 6th stage 2023-11-013
31.10 33 Tour du Faso | 5th stage 2023-10-311
30.10 14 Tour du Faso | 4th stage 2023-10-307
29.10 24 Tour du Faso | 3rd stage 2023-10-293
28.10 99 Tour du Faso | 2nd stage 2023-10-28
27.10 711 Tour du Faso | 1st stage 2023-10-27
07.10 2014 GP Chantal Biya | 5th stage 2023-10-07
06.10 105 GP Chantal Biya | 4th stage 2023-10-06
05.10 115 GP Chantal Biya | 3rd stage 2023-10-05
04.10 42 GP Chantal Biya | 2nd stage 2023-10-04
03.10 11 GP Chantal Biya | 1st stage 2023-10-037
11.06 114 Tour du Cameroun | 8th stage 2023-06-117
10.06 214 Tour du Cameroun | 7th stage 2023-06-103
09.06 1315 Tour du Cameroun | 6th stage 2023-06-09
07.06 1214 Tour du Cameroun | 4th stage 2023-06-07
06.06 1110 Tour du Cameroun | 3rd stage 2023-06-06
04.06 196 Tour du Cameroun | 2nd stage 2023-06-04
03.06 22 Tour du Cameroun | 1st stage 2023-06-033
06.05 21 Tour du Bénin | 5th stage 2023-05-063
05.05 51 Tour du Bénin | 4th stage 2023-05-05
04.05 21 Tour du Bénin | 3rd stage 2023-05-043
03.05 21 Tour du Bénin | 2nd stage 2023-05-033
02.05 11 Tour du Bénin | 1st stage 2023-05-027
19.03 6 Tour de Marrakech Safi | 5th stage 2023-03-19
18.03 7 Tour de Marrakech Safi | 4th stage 2023-03-18
17.03 7 Tour de Marrakech Safi | 3rd stage 2023-03-17
16.03 1 Tour de Marrakech Safi | 2nd stage 2023-03-16
15.03 4 Tour de Marrakech Safi | 1st stage 2023-03-15
26.02 4136 Tour of Rwanda | 8th stage 2023-02-26
25.02 4141 Tour of Rwanda | 7th stage 2023-02-25
24.02 5043 Tour of Rwanda | 6th stage 2023-02-24
23.02 5042 Tour of Rwanda | 5th stage 2023-02-23
22.02 5135 Tour of Rwanda | 4th stage 2023-02-22
21.02 4035 Tour of Rwanda | 3rd stage 2023-02-21
20.02 1813 Tour of Rwanda | 2nd stage 2023-02-20
19.02 1919 Tour of Rwanda | 1st stage 2023-02-19
05.02 12 Tour du Sahel | 5th stage 2023-02-057
04.02 32 Tour du Sahel | 4th stage 2023-02-041
03.02 22 Tour du Sahel | 3rd stage 2023-02-033
02.02 22 Tour du Sahel | 2nd stage 2023-02-023
01.02 33 Tour du Sahel | 1st stage 2023-02-011
29.01 1417 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 7th stage 2023-01-29
28.01 2917 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 6th stage 2023-01-28
27.01 5413 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 5th stage 2023-01-27
26.01 1711 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 4th stage 2023-01-26
25.01 412 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 3rd stage 2023-01-25
24.01 179 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 2nd stage 2023-01-24
23.01 89 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 1st stage 2023-01-23