Sindre Eid Hermansen

Norway, 31 years


Sindre Eid Hermansen is a 31-year-old cyclist from Norway, born September 17th 1993.

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Team (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race
05.03 77 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2017-03-05Show more
12.03 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2017-03-12 Show more
12.03 55 Tour of Rhodes | Overall 2017-03-12
18.03 DNS Classic Loire Atlantique | 1.1 2017-03-18Show more
26.03 Tour de Normandie | 2.2 2017-03-26 Show more
26.03 103 Tour de Normandie | Overall 2017-03-26
16.04 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2.2 2017-04-16 Show more
16.04 DNF Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Overall 2017-04-16
15.04 DNF Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 4th stage 2017-04-15
14.04 134123 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 3rd stage 2017-04-14
13.04 8895 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2nd stage 2017-04-13
12.04 9393 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 1st stage 2017-04-12
26.03 67103 Tour de Normandie | 7th stage 2017-03-26
25.03 117112 Tour de Normandie | 6th stage 2017-03-25
24.03 106115 Tour de Normandie | 5th stage 2017-03-24
23.03 89116 Tour de Normandie | 4th stage 2017-03-23
22.03 117129 Tour de Normandie | 3rd stage 2017-03-22
21.03 118127 Tour de Normandie | 2nd stage 2017-03-21
20.03 131131 Tour de Normandie | 1st stage 2017-03-20
12.03 10155 Tour of Rhodes | 3rd stage 2017-03-12
11.03 6340 Tour of Rhodes | 2nd stage 2017-03-11
10.03 3737 Tour of Rhodes | 1st stage 2017-03-10