Thomas Vaubourzeix

France, 35 years


Thomas Vaubourzeix is a 35-year-old cyclist from France, born June 16th 1989. He has won 5 UCI races.

2023 2022 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Veranclassic - Ekoi (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race
28.03 1 Polleur | 1.12B 2015-03-28Show more
29.03 1 Florennes | 1.12B 2015-03-29Show more
18.03 1 Esplechin - GP Dewailly | 1.12B 2015-03-18Show more
14.03 2 Grandglise | 1.12B 2015-03-14Show more
11.03 6 Templeuve | 1.12B 2015-03-11Show more
07.09 Tour of Alberta | 2.1 2015-09-07 Show more
07.09 DNF Tour of Alberta | Overall 2015-09-07
18.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2.HC 2015-07-18 Show more
18.07 8 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Overall 2015-07-18
14.06 Ronde de l'Oise | 2.2 2015-06-14 Show more
14.06 DNF Ronde de l'Oise | Overall 2015-06-14
07.06 Boucles de la Mayenne | 2.1 2015-06-07 Show more
07.06 85 Boucles de la Mayenne | Overall 2015-06-07
31.05 Tour de Gironde | 2.2 2015-05-31 Show more
31.05 DNF Tour de Gironde | Overall 2015-05-31
16.02 4 Boucles du Haut Var I | NE 2015-02-16Show more
17.05 3 GP Criquielion | 1.2 2015-05-17Show more
10.05 6 Flèche Ardennaise | 1.2 2015-05-10Show more
26.04 15 Paris - Mantes | 1.2 2015-04-26Show more
12.04 Tour du Maroc | 2.2 2015-04-12 Show more
12.04 16 Tour du Maroc | Overall 2015-04-12
20.03 134 Bredene Koksijde Classic | 1.1 2015-03-20Show more
15.03 160 Omloop van het Waasland | 1.2 2015-03-15Show more
12.09 DNF The Reading 120 | 1.2 2015-09-12Show more
20.09 25 World Championship TTT | WCTT 2015-09-20Show more
24.05 Triptyque Ardennais | 2.IC 2015-05-24
24.05 88 Triptyque Ardennais | Overall 2015-05-24
13.05 93 Puivelde Koerse | KP 2015-05-13Show more
19.04 Driebergenprijs | 2.IC 2015-04-19
19.04 DNF Driebergenprijs | Overall 2015-04-19
20.12 29 G.P.Ben Guerir | 1.2 2015-12-20Show more
19.12 39 G.P.Fkih Ben Saleh | 1.2 2015-12-19Show more
17.12 11 G.P. Khouribga | 1.2 2015-12-17Show more
08.03 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 2.1 2015-03-08 Show more
08.03 DNF Dwars West-Vlaanderen | Overall 2015-03-08
25.06 32 France ITT | CN 2015-06-25Show more
04.03 DNF Le Samyn | 1.1 2015-03-04Show more
01.03 87 Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne | 1.1 2015-03-01Show more
22.02 Tour des Alpes-Maritimes | 2.1 2015-02-22 Show more
22.02 DNF Tour des Alpes-Maritimes | Overall 2015-02-22
08.02 Étoile de Bessèges | 2.1 2015-02-08 Show more
08.02 105 Étoile de Bessèges | Overall 2015-02-08
01.02 72 GP la Marseillaise | 1.1 2015-02-01Show more
07.06 40 Boucles de la Mayenne | Points 2015-06-07
18.07 19 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Points 2015-07-18
08.02 40 Étoile de Bessèges | Points 2015-02-08
08.02 8 Étoile de Bessèges | Mountain 2015-02-08
12.04 9 Tour du Maroc | Mountain 2015-04-12
18.07 5 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Mountain 2015-07-18
07.06 3 Boucles de la Mayenne | Mountain 2015-06-07
07.06 1 Boucles de la Mayenne | Sprint 2015-06-07
12.04 15 Tour du Maroc | Sprint 2015-04-12
06.09 DNF Tour of Alberta | 5th stage 2015-09-06
05.09 7794 Tour of Alberta | 4th stage 2015-09-05
04.09 106101 Tour of Alberta | 3rd stage 2015-09-04
03.09 11483 Tour of Alberta | 2nd stage 2015-09-03
02.09 1156 Tour of Alberta | 1st stage | TTT 2015-09-02
18.07 558 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 13th stage 2015-07-18
17.07 728 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 12th stage 2015-07-17
16.07 518 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 11th stage 2015-07-16
15.07 478 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 10th stage 2015-07-15
13.07 588 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 9th stage 2015-07-13
12.07 608 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 8th stage 2015-07-12
11.07 198 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 7th stage 2015-07-11
10.07 78 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 6th stage 2015-07-10
09.07 188 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 5th stage 2015-07-09
08.07 136 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 4th stage 2015-07-08
07.07 86 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 3rd stage 2015-07-07
06.07 839 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2nd stage 2015-07-06
05.07 826 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 1st stage 2015-07-05
14.06 DNF Ronde de l'Oise | 4th stage 2015-06-14
13.06 98101 Ronde de l'Oise | 3rd stage 2015-06-13
12.06 101103 Ronde de l'Oise | 2nd stage 2015-06-12
11.06 119121 Ronde de l'Oise | 1st stage 2015-06-11
07.06 9785 Boucles de la Mayenne | 3rd stage 2015-06-07
06.06 8687 Boucles de la Mayenne | 2nd stage 2015-06-06
05.06 114115 Boucles de la Mayenne | 1st stage 2015-06-05
04.06 9595 Boucles de la Mayenne | Prologue 2015-06-04
29.05 DSQ Tour de Gironde | 1st stage 2015-05-29
24.05 8588 Triptyque Ardennais | 3rd stage 2015-05-24
23.05 104103 Triptyque Ardennais | 2nd stage 2015-05-23
22.05 135135 Triptyque Ardennais | 1st stage 2015-05-22
19.04 DNS Driebergenprijs | 2nd stage 2015-04-19
18.04 109109 Driebergenprijs | 1st stage 2015-04-18
12.04 4916 Tour du Maroc | 10th stage 2015-04-12
11.04 8616 Tour du Maroc | 9th stage 2015-04-11
10.04 2816 Tour du Maroc | 8th stage 2015-04-10
09.04 2115 Tour du Maroc | 7th stage 2015-04-09
08.04 5115 Tour du Maroc | 6th stage 2015-04-08
07.04 3114 Tour du Maroc | 5th stage 2015-04-07
06.04 3615 Tour du Maroc | 4th stage 2015-04-06
05.04 2912 Tour du Maroc | 3rd stage 2015-04-05
04.04 4218 Tour du Maroc | 2nd stage 2015-04-04
03.04 1214 Tour du Maroc | 1st stage 2015-04-03
08.03 DNF Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 2nd stage 2015-03-08
07.03 9554 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 1st stage 2015-03-07
06.03 5757 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | Prologue 2015-03-06
22.02 DNF Tour des Alpes-Maritimes | 2nd stage 2015-02-22
21.02 7676 Tour des Alpes-Maritimes | 1st stage 2015-02-21
08.02 117105 Étoile de Bessèges | 5th stage 2015-02-08
07.02 101107 Étoile de Bessèges | 4th stage 2015-02-07
06.02 106105 Étoile de Bessèges | 3rd stage 2015-02-06
05.02 83110 Étoile de Bessèges | 2nd stage 2015-02-05
04.02 108109 Étoile de Bessèges | 1st stage 2015-02-04