Lewis Whiley

USA, 26 years


Lewis Whiley is a 26-year-old cyclist from USA, born September 24th 1998.

2024 2023 2022 2018 2017

Date Pos GC Race UCI
25.06 50 USA RR | CN 2023-06-25Show more
23.06 30 USA Criterium | CN 2023-06-23Show more
30.04 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2023-04-30 Show more
30.04 37 Tour of the Gila | Overall 2023-04-30
16.04 Redlands Classic | 2.NRC 2023-04-16
16.04 36 Redlands Classic | Overall 2023-04-16
19.02 Valley of the Sun Race | NE 2023-02-19
19.02 37 Valley of the Sun Race | Overall 2023-02-19
30.04 17 Tour of the Gila | Mountain 2023-04-30
30.04 12 Tour of the Gila | Sprint 2023-04-30
30.04 4637 Tour of the Gila | 5th stage 2023-04-30
29.04 1230 Tour of the Gila | 4th stage 2023-04-29
28.04 5131 Tour of the Gila | 3rd stage 2023-04-28
27.04 2128 Tour of the Gila | 2nd stage 2023-04-27
26.04 3333 Tour of the Gila | 1st stage 2023-04-26
16.04 3336 Redlands Classic | 5th stage 2023-04-16
15.04 2155 Redlands Classic | 4th stage 2023-04-15
14.04 8859 Redlands Classic | 3rd stage 2023-04-14
13.04 6361 Redlands Classic | 2nd stage 2023-04-13
12.04 9393 Redlands Classic | 1st stage 2023-04-12
19.02 22 Valley of the Sun Race | 3rd stage 2023-02-19
18.02 34 Valley of the Sun Race | 2nd stage 2023-02-18
17.02 47 Valley of the Sun Race | 1st stage 2023-02-17