Rasmus Guldhammer

Denmark, 35 years


Rasmus Guldhammer is a 35-year-old cyclist from Denmark, born March 9th 1989. He has won 12 UCI races.

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

Team Waoo (Continental) UCI Ranking: 990 (68pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
29.09 9 Sønderborg Løbet | N3 2019-09-29Show more
28.09 13 Hydro Løbet - Tønder | N3 2019-09-28Show more
22.09 2 Hobro Løbet | N3 2019-09-22Show more
21.09 2 Odder CK | N3 2019-09-21Show more
08.09 5 Gylne Gutuer | 1.2 2019-09-0815Show more
07.09 DNF Lillehammer GP | 1.2 2019-09-07Show more
06.09 DNS Hafjell TT | 1.2 2019-09-06Show more
25.08 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2.HC 2019-08-25 Show more
25.08 37 PostNord Tour of Denmark | Overall 2019-08-253
30.08 18 Herning City Gadeløbet | N5 2019-08-30Show more
09.08 15 Skive Gadeløb | N5 2019-08-09Show more
17.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2019-03-17 Show more
17.03 60 Istrian Spring Trophy | Overall 2019-03-17
31.03 Tour de Normandie | 2.2 2019-03-31 Show more
31.03 DNF Tour de Normandie | Overall 2019-03-31
06.04 5 Volta NXT Classic | 1.1 2019-04-0650Show more
27.04 4 GP Herning | N1 2019-04-27Show more
08.08 26 Gadeløb Aars | N5 2019-08-08Show more
18.08 11 Fyen Rundt | 1.2 2019-08-18Show more
15.08 4 Hadsten Gadeløb | N5 2019-08-15Show more
30.06 DNF Denmark RR | CN 2019-06-30Show more
02.06 Flèche du Sud | 2.2 2019-06-02 Show more
02.06 22 Flèche du Sud | Overall 2019-06-02
10.06 24 Principia Løbet - Randers | N3 2019-06-10Show more
13.04 16 Hedensted Integolobet | N3 2019-04-13Show more
25.05 3 Vejle Løbet | N3 2019-05-25Show more
12.05 DNF Ringerike GP | 1.2 2019-05-12Show more
11.05 42 Sundvolden GP | 1.2 2019-05-11Show more
05.05 DNF Rent Liv Løbet Skive | 1.2 2019-05-05Show more
04.05 DNF Himmerland Rundt | 1.2 2019-05-04Show more
21.04 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2.2 2019-04-21 Show more
21.04 12 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Overall 2019-04-21
25.08 6237 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 5th stage 2019-08-25
24.08 4140 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 4th stage 2019-08-24
23.08 4649 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 3rd stage 2019-08-23
22.08 9574 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2nd stage 2019-08-22
21.08 7070 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 1st stage 2019-08-21
02.06 6922 Flèche du Sud | 4th stage 2019-06-02
01.06 5522 Flèche du Sud | 3rd stage 2019-06-01
31.05 2323 Flèche du Sud | 2nd stage 2019-05-31
30.05 6128 Flèche du Sud | 1st stage 2019-05-30
29.05 2828 Flèche du Sud | Prologue 2019-05-29
21.04 3212 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 5th stage 2019-04-21
20.04 1613 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 4th stage 2019-04-20
19.04 1315 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 3rd stage 2019-04-19
18.04 1936 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2nd stage 2019-04-18
17.04 7171 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 1st stage 2019-04-17
27.03 DNF Tour de Normandie | 3rd stage 2019-03-27
26.03 5465 Tour de Normandie | 2nd stage 2019-03-26
25.03 8685 Tour de Normandie | 1st stage 2019-03-25
17.03 9460 Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2019-03-17
16.03 6965 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2nd stage 2019-03-16
15.03 1417 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1st stage 2019-03-15
14.03 120120 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prologue 2019-03-14