Dylan Redy

Mauritius, 25 years


Dylan Redy is a 25-year-old cyclist from Mauritius, born March 17th 1999. He has won 1 UCI races.

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Team Fybolia-Locminé Auto UCI Ranking: 1827 (18pts) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race UCI
08.05 57 Tour de l'Agglomération Saint-Avold Synergie | 1.DN3 2019-05-08Show more
20.10 2 Mauritius 100 Km Cycle Tour | NE 2019-10-20Show more
05.10 Tour de Maurice | NE 2019-10-05
05.10 9 Tour de Maurice | Overall 2019-10-05
27.07 2 JIOI-RR | RCRR 2019-07-27Show more
20.07 1 JIOI-TTT | RCTT 2019-07-20Show more
23.07 5 JIOI-ITT | RCTT 2019-07-23Show more
24.02 2 Mauritius ITT | CN 2019-02-2415Show more
10.06 17 GP Pentecote Moncontour | 1.12.5 2019-06-10Show more
09.02 Tour de l'Espoir | 2.NC 2019-02-09 Show more
09.02 29 Tour de l'Espoir | Overall 2019-02-09
19.05 Tour de la Manche | 2.12.1 2019-05-19
19.05 56 Tour de la Manche | Overall 2019-05-19
23.06 La SportBreizh | 2.12.1 2019-06-23
23.06 DNF La SportBreizh | Overall 2019-06-23
02.06 25 Grand Prix de Guichen | 1.12.5 2019-06-02Show more
05.05 DNF Brenne & Montmorillonnais | 1.2 2019-05-05Show more
04.05 DNF Etoile d'Or | 1.NC 2019-05-04Show more
27.01 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 2.1 2019-01-27 Show more
27.01 23 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Overall 2019-01-273
17.03 1 Mauritius RR | CN 2019-03-17Show more
08.03 Tour of Good Hope | 2.2 2019-03-08 Show more
08.03 24 Tour of Good Hope | Overall 2019-03-08
28.04 21 Circuit de la Claie | 1.12.5 2019-04-28Show more
26.08 25 Saint-Philibert Trégunc | 1.12.5 2019-08-26Show more
19.05 23 Tour de la Manche | Youth 2019-05-19
08.03 12 Tour of Good Hope | Youth 2019-03-08
27.01 8 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Youth 2019-01-27
27.01 39 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | Points 2019-01-27
09.02 34 Tour de l'Espoir | Points 2019-02-09
03.10 5 Tour de Maurice | 3rd stage 2019-10-03
02.10 6 Tour de Maurice | 2nd stage 2019-10-02
01.10 3 Tour de Maurice | 1st stage 2019-10-01
30.09 1 Tour de Maurice | Prologue | TTT 2019-09-30
23.06 DNF La SportBreizh | 3rd stage 2019-06-23
22.06 41 La SportBreizh | 2nd stage 2019-06-22
21.06 54 La SportBreizh | 1st stage 2019-06-21
19.05 64 Tour de la Manche | 5th stage 2019-05-19
18.05 78 Tour de la Manche | 4th stage 2019-05-18
17.05 72 Tour de la Manche | 3rd stage 2019-05-17
17.05 91 Tour de la Manche | 2nd stage 2019-05-17
16.05 56 Tour de la Manche | 1st stage 2019-05-16
08.03 4324 Tour of Good Hope | 5th stage 2019-03-08
07.03 2428 Tour of Good Hope | 4th stage 2019-03-07
06.03 728 Tour of Good Hope | 3rd stage | TTT 2019-03-06
05.03 3634 Tour of Good Hope | 2nd stage 2019-03-05
04.03 4040 Tour of Good Hope | 1st stage 2019-03-04
09.02 3329 Tour de l'Espoir | 5th stage 2019-02-09
08.02 4323 Tour de l'Espoir | 4th stage 2019-02-08
06.02 2023 Tour de l'Espoir | 3rd stage 2019-02-06
05.02 3540 Tour de l'Espoir | 2nd stage 2019-02-05
04.02 1045 Tour de l'Espoir | 1st stage | TTT 2019-02-04
27.01 2723 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 7th stage 2019-01-27
26.01 2323 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 6th stage 2019-01-26
25.01 3829 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 5th stage 2019-01-25
24.01 3629 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 4th stage 2019-01-24
23.01 3731 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 3rd stage 2019-01-23
22.01 1920 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 2nd stage 2019-01-22
21.01 2324 Tropicale Amissa Bongo | 1st stage 2019-01-21