Carlos Garcia

Equipo Kern Pharma, Spain, 25 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Carlos Garcia is a 25-year-old professional cyclist from Spain, born July 23rd 1999. He rides for Equipo Kern Pharma, a UCI ProTeam. He is currently ranked 1707th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Equipo Kern Pharma (ProTeam) UCI Ranking: 1957 (13pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
12.02 DNF Vuelta a Murcia | 1.1 2022-02-12Show more
14.02 DNF Clásica Jaén | 1.1 2022-02-14Show more
27.03 19 GP Industria & Artigianato | 1.Pro 2022-03-275Show more
17.04 Tour of Türkiye | 2.Pro 2022-04-17 Show more
17.04 22 Tour of Türkiye | Overall 2022-04-175
01.05 Tour de Romandie | 2.UWT 2022-05-01 Show more
01.05 75 Tour de Romandie | Overall 2022-05-01
14.06 53 CIC - Mont Ventoux | 1.1 2022-06-14Show more
08.06 Adriatica Ionica Race | 2.1 2022-06-08 Show more
08.06 30 Adriatica Ionica Race | Overall 2022-06-08
26.06 DNF Spain RR | CN 2022-06-26Show more
31.07 Tour Alsace | 2.2 2022-07-31 Show more
31.07 20 Tour Alsace | Overall 2022-07-31
19.08 Tour du Limousin | 2.1 2022-08-19 Show more
19.08 48 Tour du Limousin | Overall 2022-08-19
17.09 Okolo Slovenska | 2.1 2022-09-17 Show more
17.09 18 Okolo Slovenska | Overall 2022-09-173
29.09 DNF Coppa Agostoni | 1.1 2022-09-29Show more
03.10 103 Coppa Bernocchi | 1.Pro 2022-10-03Show more
04.10 100 Tre Valli Varesine | 1.Pro 2022-10-04Show more
01.05 16 Tour de Romandie | Youth 2022-05-01
19.08 15 Tour du Limousin | Youth 2022-08-19
08.06 9 Adriatica Ionica Race | Youth 2022-06-08
31.07 50 Tour Alsace | Points 2022-07-31
17.04 11 Tour of Türkiye | Mountain 2022-04-17
17.09 4 Okolo Slovenska | Mountain 2022-09-17
17.09 6218 Okolo Slovenska | 4th stage 2022-09-17
16.09 3618 Okolo Slovenska | 3rd stage 2022-09-16
15.09 1418 Okolo Slovenska | 2nd stage 2022-09-15
14.09 118111 Okolo Slovenska | 1st stage 2022-09-14
13.09 118118 Okolo Slovenska | Prologue 2022-09-13
19.08 5548 Tour du Limousin | 4th stage 2022-08-19
18.08 5459 Tour du Limousin | 3rd stage 2022-08-18
17.08 104109 Tour du Limousin | 2nd stage 2022-08-17
16.08 108110 Tour du Limousin | 1st stage 2022-08-16
31.07 6920 Tour Alsace | 5th stage 2022-07-31
30.07 6521 Tour Alsace | 4th stage 2022-07-30
29.07 1014 Tour Alsace | 3rd stage 2022-07-29
28.07 4236 Tour Alsace | 2nd stage 2022-07-28
27.07 41117 Tour Alsace | 1st stage | TTT 2022-07-27
08.06 6730 Adriatica Ionica Race | 5th stage 2022-06-08
07.06 3030 Adriatica Ionica Race | 4th stage 2022-06-07
06.06 3931 Adriatica Ionica Race | 3rd stage 2022-06-06
05.06 2335 Adriatica Ionica Race | 2nd stage 2022-06-05
04.06 9090 Adriatica Ionica Race | 1st stage 2022-06-04
01.05 9575 Tour de Romandie | 5th stage 2022-05-01
30.04 7575 Tour de Romandie | 4th stage 2022-04-30
29.04 7278 Tour de Romandie | 3rd stage 2022-04-29
28.04 9789 Tour de Romandie | 2nd stage 2022-04-28
27.04 9492 Tour de Romandie | 1st stage 2022-04-27
26.04 130130 Tour de Romandie | Prologue 2022-04-26
16.04 2522 Tour of Türkiye | 7th stage 2022-04-16
15.04 6922 Tour of Türkiye | 6th stage 2022-04-15
14.04 8720 Tour of Türkiye | 5th stage 2022-04-14
13.04 2521 Tour of Türkiye | 4th stage 2022-04-13
12.04 8962 Tour of Türkiye | 3rd stage 2022-04-12
11.04 7965 Tour of Türkiye | 2nd stage 2022-04-11
10.04 7171 Tour of Türkiye | 1st stage 2022-04-10