Arman Kamyshev

Kazakhstan, 33 years


Arman Kamyshev is a 33-year-old cyclist from Kazakhstan, born March 14th 1991. He has won 9 UCI races.

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Vino - Astana Motors (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1791 (20pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
27.01 Tour of Sharjah | 2.1 2018-01-27 Show more
27.01 48 Tour of Sharjah | Overall 2018-01-27
05.10 Tour of Iran | 2.1 2018-10-05 Show more
05.10 32 Tour of Iran | Overall 2018-10-05
04.08 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2.HC 2018-08-04 Show more
04.08 63 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Overall 2018-08-04
01.07 DNF Kazakhstan RR | CN 2018-07-01Show more
03.06 Tour de Korea | 2.1 2018-06-03 Show more
03.06 16 Tour de Korea | Overall 2018-06-033
16.09 Tour of Cappadocia | 2.2 2018-09-16 Show more
16.09 20 Tour of Cappadocia | Overall 2018-09-16
06.05 Sri Lanka T-Cup | 2.2 2018-05-06 Show more
06.05 8 Sri Lanka T-Cup | Overall 2018-05-063
06.04 Tour of Thailand | 2.1 2018-04-06 Show more
06.04 93 Tour of Thailand | Overall 2018-04-06
11.03 40 GP Side | 1.2 2018-03-11Show more
25.02 Tour of Antalya | 2.2 2018-02-25 Show more
25.02 102 Tour of Antalya | Overall 2018-02-25
18.02 82 Tour of Alanya | 1.2 2018-02-18Show more
12.02 23 Asia RR | CCRR 2018-02-125Show more
08.02 5 Asia TTT | CCTT 2018-02-086.25Show more
06.04 14 Tour of Thailand | Points 2018-04-06
06.05 5 Sri Lanka T-Cup | Points 2018-05-06
03.06 44 Tour de Korea | Points 2018-06-03
16.09 17 Tour of Cappadocia | Points 2018-09-16
04.08 42 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Points 2018-08-04
05.10 2932 Tour of Iran | 6th stage 2018-10-05
04.10 5534 Tour of Iran | 5th stage 2018-10-04
03.10 4833 Tour of Iran | 4th stage 2018-10-03
02.10 5029 Tour of Iran | 3rd stage 2018-10-02
01.10 1910 Tour of Iran | 2nd stage 2018-10-01
30.09 46 Tour of Iran | 1st stage 2018-09-30
16.09 3320 Tour of Cappadocia | 3rd stage 2018-09-16
15.09 915 Tour of Cappadocia | 2nd stage 2018-09-15
14.09 2931 Tour of Cappadocia | 1st stage 2018-09-14
04.08 5763 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 13th stage 2018-08-04
03.08 3563 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 12th stage 2018-08-03
02.08 3163 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 11th stage 2018-08-02
01.08 3563 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 10th stage 2018-08-01
30.07 1765 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 9th stage 2018-07-30
29.07 3166 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 8th stage 2018-07-29
28.07 7469 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 7th stage 2018-07-28
27.07 9769 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 6th stage 2018-07-27
26.07 11556 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 5th stage 2018-07-26
25.07 6648 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 4th stage 2018-07-25
24.07 433 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 3rd stage 2018-07-24
23.07 1206 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2nd stage 2018-07-23
22.07 4245 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 1st stage 2018-07-22
03.06 2816 Tour de Korea | 5th stage 2018-06-03
02.06 1516 Tour de Korea | 4th stage 2018-06-02
01.06 2020 Tour de Korea | 3rd stage 2018-06-01
31.05 3344 Tour de Korea | 2nd stage 2018-05-31
30.05 8989 Tour de Korea | 1st stage 2018-05-30
06.05 478 Sri Lanka T-Cup | 3rd stage 2018-05-06
05.05 28 Sri Lanka T-Cup | 2nd stage 2018-05-053
04.05 1515 Sri Lanka T-Cup | 1st stage 2018-05-04
06.04 1193 Tour of Thailand | 6th stage 2018-04-06
05.04 6495 Tour of Thailand | 5th stage 2018-04-05
04.04 1297 Tour of Thailand | 4th stage 2018-04-04
03.04 100100 Tour of Thailand | 3rd stage 2018-04-03
02.04 937 Tour of Thailand | 2nd stage 2018-04-02
01.04 8487 Tour of Thailand | 1st stage 2018-04-01
25.02 31102 Tour of Antalya | 4th stage 2018-02-25
24.02 87106 Tour of Antalya | 3rd stage 2018-02-24
23.02 124116 Tour of Antalya | 2nd stage 2018-02-23
22.02 5758 Tour of Antalya | 1st stage 2018-02-22
27.01 2648 Tour of Sharjah | 4th stage 2018-01-27
26.01 4649 Tour of Sharjah | 3rd stage 2018-01-26
25.01 3189 Tour of Sharjah | 2nd stage 2018-01-25
24.01 9797 Tour of Sharjah | 1st stage 2018-01-24