Karel Camrda

ATT Investments, Czechia, 23 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Karel Camrda is a 23-year-old cyclist from Czechia, born June 8th 2001. He rides for ATT Investments, a UCI Continental. He is currently ranked 2447th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

ATT Investments (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1168 (48pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
11.03 45 Rhodes Grand Prix | 1.2 2023-03-11Show more
05.03 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2.2 2023-03-05 Show more
05.03 26 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Overall 2023-03-05
26.03 54 GP Adria Mobil | 1.2 2023-03-26Show more
08.04 17 Sobeslavske Okruhy | NE 2023-04-08Show more
16.04 75 Slezanski Mnich | NE 2023-04-16Show more
22.04 11 Skoda Cup - Krasna Lipa | NE 2023-04-22Show more
23.04 9 Skoda Cup - Ceská Kamenice | NE 2023-04-23Show more
14.05 19 Kyjovske Slovacko | NE 2023-05-14Show more
21.05 Flèche du Sud | 2.2 2023-05-21 Show more
21.05 61 Flèche du Sud | Overall 2023-05-21
28.05 Tour de la Mirabelle | 2.2 2023-05-28 Show more
28.05 30 Tour de la Mirabelle | Overall 2023-05-28
04.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2023-06-04 Show more
04.06 11 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2023-06-04
11.06 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2.NC 2023-06-11 Show more
11.06 9 Course de la Paix (U23) | Overall 2023-06-115
18.06 12 Czech Republic RR-U23 | CN 2023-06-18Show more
25.06 38 Czech Republic RR | CN 2023-06-25Show more
09.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2.1 2023-07-09 Show more
09.07 36 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Overall 2023-07-09
19.03 Tour of Rhodes | 2.2 2023-03-19 Show more
19.03 50 Tour of Rhodes | Overall 2023-03-19
23.07 9 GP Czechia | 1.2 2023-07-233Show more
30.07 Czech Tour | 2.1 2023-07-30 Show more
30.07 15 Czech Tour | Overall 2023-07-305
12.08 3 Mem.Henryka Lasaka | 1.2 2023-08-1225Show more
13.08 6 Memorial Jana Magiery | 1.2 2023-08-1310Show more
03.09 13 Skoda Cup - Hrabyn u Ostravy | NE 2023-09-03Show more
27.08 Tour de l'Avenir | 2.NC 2023-08-27 Show more
27.08 52 Tour de l'Avenir | Overall 2023-08-27
10.09 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 2.2 2023-09-10 Show more
10.09 39 Okolo Jiznich Cech | Overall 2023-09-10
22.09 51 Europe RR-U23 | CCU 2023-09-22Show more
24.09 4 Skoda Cup - Lovosice | NE 2023-09-24Show more
01.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2023-10-01 Show more
01.10 73 CRO Race | Overall 2023-10-01
28.05 8 Tour de la Mirabelle | Youth 2023-05-28
04.06 4 Tour of Malopolska | Youth 2023-06-04
21.05 18 Flèche du Sud | Youth 2023-05-21
09.07 9 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Youth 2023-07-09
30.07 4 Czech Tour | Youth 2023-07-30
19.03 18 Tour of Rhodes | Youth 2023-03-19
01.10 18 CRO Race | Youth 2023-10-01
10.09 21 Okolo Jiznich Cech | Youth 2023-09-10
05.03 10 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | Youth 2023-03-05
04.06 16 Tour of Malopolska | Points 2023-06-04
11.06 24 Course de la Paix (U23) | Points 2023-06-11
10.09 25 Okolo Jiznich Cech | Points 2023-09-10
10.09 10 Okolo Jiznich Cech | Mountain 2023-09-10
01.10 8073 CRO Race | 6th stage 2023-10-01
30.09 7374 CRO Race | 5th stage 2023-09-30
29.09 6780 CRO Race | 4th stage 2023-09-29
28.09 7085 CRO Race | 3rd stage 2023-09-28
27.09 10192 CRO Race | 2nd stage 2023-09-27
26.09 8787 CRO Race | 1st stage 2023-09-26
10.09 4839 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 4th stage 2023-09-10
09.09 5542 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 3rd stage 2023-09-09
08.09 1934 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 2nd stage 2023-09-08
07.09 5252 Okolo Jiznich Cech | 1st stage 2023-09-07
27.08 10052 Tour de l'Avenir | 9th stage 2023-08-27
26.08 1935 Tour de l'Avenir | 8th stage 2023-08-26
26.08 3552 Tour de l'Avenir | 7th stage 2023-08-26
25.08 8456 Tour de l'Avenir | 6th stage 2023-08-25
24.08 5147 Tour de l'Avenir | 5th stage 2023-08-24
23.08 5453 Tour de l'Avenir | 4th stage 2023-08-23
22.08 2070 Tour de l'Avenir | 3rd stage | TTT 2023-08-22
21.08 8872 Tour de l'Avenir | 2nd stage 2023-08-21
20.08 8080 Tour de l'Avenir | 1st stage 2023-08-20
30.07 2115 Czech Tour | 4th stage 2023-07-30
29.07 2419 Czech Tour | 3rd stage 2023-07-29
28.07 2211 Czech Tour | 2nd stage 2023-07-28
27.07 5152 Czech Tour | 1st stage 2023-07-27
09.07 9536 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 5th stage 2023-07-09
09.07 8136 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 4th stage 2023-07-09
08.07 3037 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2023-07-08
07.07 4746 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2023-07-07
06.07 4951 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2023-07-06
11.06 189 Course de la Paix (U23) | 3rd stage 2023-06-11
10.06 99 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2nd stage 2023-06-10
09.06 2254 Course de la Paix (U23) | 1st stage 2023-06-09
08.06 8080 Course de la Paix (U23) | Prologue 2023-06-08
04.06 1111 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2023-06-04
03.06 5914 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2023-06-03
02.06 1514 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2023-06-02
01.06 4242 Tour of Malopolska | Prologue 2023-06-01
28.05 3230 Tour de la Mirabelle | 3rd stage 2023-05-28
27.05 3631 Tour de la Mirabelle | 2nd stage 2023-05-27
26.05 5151 Tour de la Mirabelle | 1st stage 2023-05-26
21.05 7161 Flèche du Sud | 4th stage 2023-05-21
20.05 8264 Flèche du Sud | 3rd stage 2023-05-20
19.05 4846 Flèche du Sud | 2nd stage 2023-05-19
18.05 5473 Flèche du Sud | 1st stage 2023-05-18
17.05 7878 Flèche du Sud | Prologue 2023-05-17
19.03 4150 Tour of Rhodes | 3rd stage 2023-03-19
18.03 7869 Tour of Rhodes | 2nd stage 2023-03-18
17.03 5454 Tour of Rhodes | 1st stage 2023-03-17
05.03 3726 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 2nd stage 2023-03-05
04.03 3333 Visit South Aegean Islands Tour | 1st stage 2023-03-04