Oliver Anderson

Villawood, Australia, 29 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Oliver Anderson is a 29-year-old cyclist from Australia, born October 18th 1994. He rides for Villawood. He is currently ranked 2814th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2015

Villawood UCI Ranking: 2772 (3pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
22.10 21 Hong Kong Cyclothon | 1.1 2023-10-223Show more
09.10 Tour of Hainan | 2.Pro 2023-10-09 Show more
09.10 65 Tour of Hainan | Overall 2023-10-09
17.10 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | 2.2 2023-10-17 Show more
17.10 32 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | Overall 2023-10-17
24.09 Tour of Binzhou | 2.2 2023-09-24 Show more
24.09 15 Tour of Binzhou | Overall 2023-09-24
26.06 13 Wachtebeke | 1.12B 2023-06-26Show more
06.01 22 Australia Criterium | CN 2023-01-06Show more
08.01 DNF Australia RR | CN 2023-01-08Show more
03.06 18 Moorslede | 1.12B 2023-06-03Show more
15.06 23 Oudenburg | 1.12A 2023-06-15Show more
16.06 10 Koolskamp-2 | 1.12B 2023-06-16Show more
18.06 12 Erembodegem-Aalst | 1.12A 2023-06-18Show more
24.06 32 Zerkegem | 1.12B 2023-06-24Show more
17.10 23 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | Points 2023-10-17
09.10 40 Tour of Hainan | Points 2023-10-09
17.10 2832 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | 3rd stage 2023-10-17
16.10 822 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | 2nd stage 2023-10-16
14.10 1919 Trans-Himalaya Cycling Race | 1st stage 2023-10-14
09.10 1465 Tour of Hainan | 5th stage 2023-10-09
08.10 6369 Tour of Hainan | 4th stage 2023-10-08
07.10 6862 Tour of Hainan | 3rd stage 2023-10-07
06.10 4848 Tour of Hainan | 2nd stage 2023-10-06
05.10 2830 Tour of Hainan | 1st stage 2023-10-05
24.09 1515 Tour of Binzhou | 2nd stage 2023-09-24
23.09 1922 Tour of Binzhou | 1st stage 2023-09-23