Quentin Venner

Belgium, 26 years


Quentin Venner is a 26-year-old cyclist from Belgium, born June 15th 1998.

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Date Pos GC Race UCI
27.02 DNF Faun-Ardèche Classic | 1.Pro 2021-02-27Show more
28.02 95 Faun Drome Classic | 1.Pro 2021-02-28Show more
14.03 DNF Paris-Troyes | 1.2 2021-03-14Show more
28.03 100 Cholet Agglo Tour | 1.1 2021-03-28Show more
04.04 DNF La Roue Tourangelle | 1.1 2021-04-04Show more
03.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2021-10-03 Show more
03.10 101 CRO Race | Overall 2021-10-03
15.05 124 GP Vermarc Sport - Rotselaar | KP 2021-05-15Show more
19.09 101 GP d'Isbergues | 1.1 2021-09-19Show more
18.09 109 SUPER 8 Classic | 1.Pro 2021-09-18Show more
18.04 Tour of Türkiye | 2.Pro 2021-04-18 Show more
18.04 88 Tour of Türkiye | Overall 2021-04-18
23.05 Alpes Isère Tour | 2.2 2021-05-23 Show more
23.05 54 Alpes Isère Tour | Overall 2021-05-23
04.06 82 GP Kanton Aargau | 1.1 2021-06-04Show more
15.06 DNF Paris - Camembert | 1.1 2021-06-15Show more
20.06 DNF Belgium RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
31.07 85 Heistse Pijl | 1.1 2021-07-31Show more
29.07 34 GP Beeckman | KP 2021-07-29Show more
20.08 123 Van Merksteijn Fences Classic | 1.1 2021-08-20Show more
15.08 Volta a Portugal | 2.1 2021-08-15 Show more
15.08 75 Volta a Portugal | Overall 2021-08-15
03.09 100 Classic Grand Besançon Doubs | 1.1 2021-09-03Show more
04.09 80 Tour du Jura | 1.1 2021-09-04Show more
05.09 DNF Tour du Doubs | 1.1 2021-09-05Show more
27.08 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 2.1 2021-08-27 Show more
27.08 102 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | Overall 2021-08-27
07.09 98 Gullegem Koerse | KP 2021-09-07Show more
12.09 110 GP de Fourmies | 1.Pro 2021-09-12Show more
27.08 49 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | Youth 2021-08-27
03.10 92101 CRO Race | 6th stage 2021-10-03
02.10 99101 CRO Race | 5th stage 2021-10-02
01.10 124105 CRO Race | 4th stage 2021-10-01
30.09 8587 CRO Race | 3rd stage 2021-09-30
29.09 113112 CRO Race | 2nd stage 2021-09-29
28.09 118118 CRO Race | 1st stage 2021-09-28
27.08 99102 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 5th stage 2021-08-27
26.08 82118 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 4th stage 2021-08-26
26.08 119120 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 3rd stage 2021-08-26
25.08 105115 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 2nd stage 2021-08-25
24.08 119119 Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 1st stage 2021-08-24
15.08 5875 Volta a Portugal | 10th stage 2021-08-15
14.08 3975 Volta a Portugal | 9th stage 2021-08-14
13.08 6477 Volta a Portugal | 8th stage 2021-08-13
12.08 7581 Volta a Portugal | 7th stage 2021-08-12
11.08 7085 Volta a Portugal | 6th stage 2021-08-11
10.08 8691 Volta a Portugal | 5th stage 2021-08-10
08.08 8993 Volta a Portugal | 4th stage 2021-08-08
07.08 8395 Volta a Portugal | 3rd stage 2021-08-07
06.08 109111 Volta a Portugal | 2nd stage 2021-08-06
05.08 106107 Volta a Portugal | 1st stage 2021-08-05
04.08 119119 Volta a Portugal | Prologue 2021-08-04
23.05 3154 Alpes Isère Tour | 5th stage 2021-05-23
22.05 7180 Alpes Isère Tour | 4th stage 2021-05-22
21.05 9496 Alpes Isère Tour | 3rd stage 2021-05-21
20.05 8393 Alpes Isère Tour | 2nd stage 2021-05-20
19.05 102102 Alpes Isère Tour | 1st stage 2021-05-19
18.04 12188 Tour of Türkiye | 8th stage 2021-04-18
17.04 11274 Tour of Türkiye | 7th stage 2021-04-17
16.04 12162 Tour of Türkiye | 6th stage 2021-04-16
15.04 6060 Tour of Türkiye | 5th stage 2021-04-15
14.04 132152 Tour of Türkiye | 4th stage 2021-04-14
13.04 155154 Tour of Türkiye | 3rd stage 2021-04-13
12.04 159160 Tour of Türkiye | 2nd stage 2021-04-12
11.04 151151 Tour of Türkiye | 1st stage 2021-04-11