Sebastian Balck

Sweden, 36 years


Sebastian Balck is a 36-year-old cyclist from Sweden, born June 9th 1988.

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Team Tre Berg-Bianchi (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race
12.04 4 Östgötaloppet | NE 2015-04-12Show more
01.08 21 Kalmar Grand Prix | NE 2015-08-01Show more
09.08 2 Värnamoloppet | NE 2015-08-09Show more
29.08 13 Helsingborgs GP | NE 2015-08-29Show more
13.09 13 Velothon Stockholm | 1.1 2015-09-13Show more
19.07 11 Elisedals GP | NE 2015-07-19Show more
17.07 12 Höllviken GP | NE 2015-07-17Show more
16.07 6 Eslövs Elit GP | NE 2015-07-16Show more
14.03 99 Ronde van Drenthe | 1.1 2015-03-14Show more
15.03 DNF Dwars door Drenthe | 1.1 2015-03-15Show more
19.04 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2.2 2015-04-19 Show more
19.04 41 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Overall 2015-04-19
01.05 DNF GP Viborg | 1.2 2015-05-01Show more
02.05 80 Himmerland Rundt | 1.2 2015-05-02Show more
24.05 Tour of Norway | 2.HC 2015-05-24 Show more
24.05 DNF Tour of Norway | Overall 2015-05-24
31.05 Tour des Fjords | 2.1 2015-05-31 Show more
31.05 36 Tour des Fjords | Overall 2015-05-31
28.06 6 Sweden RR | CN 2015-06-28Show more
05.07 4 Västboloppet | NE 2015-07-05Show more
31.05 5336 Tour des Fjords | 5th stage 2015-05-31
30.05 5041 Tour des Fjords | 4th stage 2015-05-30
29.05 4843 Tour des Fjords | 3rd stage 2015-05-29
28.05 3260 Tour des Fjords | 2nd stage 2015-05-28
27.05 6868 Tour des Fjords | 1st stage 2015-05-27
24.05 DNF Tour of Norway | 5th stage 2015-05-24
23.05 6164 Tour of Norway | 4th stage 2015-05-23
22.05 6373 Tour of Norway | 3rd stage 2015-05-22
21.05 2586 Tour of Norway | 2nd stage 2015-05-21
20.05 9092 Tour of Norway | 1st stage 2015-05-20
19.04 4141 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 5th stage 2015-04-19
18.04 3745 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 4th stage 2015-04-18
17.04 7954 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 3rd stage 2015-04-17
16.04 6340 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2nd stage 2015-04-16
15.04 3134 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 1st stage 2015-04-15