06.10 |
33 | | |
Tour de Vendée
| 1.HC
2013-10-06 | Show more |
18.09 |
DNS | | |
Grand Prix de Wallonie
| 1.1
2013-09-18 | Show more |
15.09 |
3 | | |
Tour du Doubs
| 1.1
2013-09-15 | Show more |
31.07 |
35 | | |
Circuito de Getxo
| 1.1
2013-07-31 | Show more |
29.07 |
Kreiz Breizh Elites
| 2.2
2013-07-29 |
Show more |
29.07 |
2 | | |
Kreiz Breizh Elites
| Overall
2013-07-29 | |
18.08 |
Volta a Portugal
| 2.1
2013-08-18 |
Show more |
18.08 |
19 | | |
Volta a Portugal
| Overall
2013-08-18 | |
30.08 |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes
| 2.1
2013-08-30 |
Show more |
30.08 |
33 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes
| Overall
2013-08-30 | |
01.09 |
80 | | |
Bretagne Classic
| 1.UWT
2013-09-01 | Show more |
07.09 |
41 | | |
Brussels Classic
| 1.HC
2013-09-07 | Show more |
01.05 |
Tour de Bretagne
| 2.2
2013-05-01 |
Show more |
01.05 |
21 | | |
Tour de Bretagne
| Overall
2013-05-01 | |
19.05 |
Tour of Norway
| 2.1
2013-05-19 |
Show more |
19.05 |
16 | | |
Tour of Norway
| Overall
2013-05-19 | |
26.05 |
36 | | |
Boucles de l'Aulne
| 1.1
2013-05-26 | Show more |
09.06 |
Critérium du Dauphiné
| 2.UWT
2013-06-09 |
Show more |
09.06 |
58 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné
| Overall
2013-06-09 | |
16.06 |
Route d'Occitanie
| 2.1
2013-06-16 |
Show more |
16.06 |
18 | | |
Route d'Occitanie
| Overall
2013-06-16 | |
23.06 |
22 | | |
Norway RR
| CN
2013-06-23 | Show more |
21.04 |
36 | | |
La Roue Tourangelle
| 1.1
2013-04-21 | Show more |
14.04 |
15 | | |
Tro-Bro Leon
| 1.1
2013-04-14 | Show more |
11.04 |
63 | | |
GP de Denain
| 1.1
2013-04-11 | Show more |
16.02 |
59 | | |
Trofeo Laigueglia
| 1.1
2013-02-16 | Show more |
24.02 |
52 | | |
Faun-Ardèche Classic
| 1.1
2013-02-24 | Show more |
03.03 |
Dwars West-Vlaanderen
| 2.1
2013-03-03 |
Show more |
03.03 |
123 | | |
Dwars West-Vlaanderen
| Overall
2013-03-03 | |
16.03 |
DNF | | |
Classic Loire Atlantique
| 1.1
2013-03-16 | Show more |
24.03 |
Tour de Normandie
| 2.2
2013-03-24 |
Show more |
24.03 |
40 | | |
Tour de Normandie
| Overall
2013-03-24 | |
31.03 |
64 | | |
Val d'Ille Classic 35
| 1.1
2013-03-31 | Show more |
10.03 |
46 | | |
| 1.2
2013-03-10 | Show more |
04.04 |
28 | | |
Grand Prix Cerami
| 1.1
2013-04-04 | Show more |
07.04 |
93 | | |
| 1.UWT
2013-04-07 | Show more |
18.08 |
40 | | |
Volta a Portugal
| Points
2013-08-18 | |
30.08 |
89 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 5th stage
2013-08-30 | |
29.08 |
24 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 4th stage
2013-08-29 | |
29.08 |
61 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 3rd stage
2013-08-29 | |
28.08 |
54 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 2nd stage
2013-08-28 | |
27.08 |
38 | | |
Tour du Poitou-Charentes | 1st stage
2013-08-27 | |
18.08 |
55 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 10th stage
2013-08-18 | |
17.08 |
8 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 9th stage
2013-08-17 | |
16.08 |
17 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 8th stage
2013-08-16 | |
15.08 |
36 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 7th stage
2013-08-15 | |
14.08 |
37 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 6th stage
2013-08-14 | |
12.08 |
20 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 5th stage
2013-08-12 | |
11.08 |
26 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 4th stage
2013-08-11 | |
10.08 |
49 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 3rd stage
2013-08-10 | |
09.08 |
11 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 2nd stage
2013-08-09 | |
08.08 |
64 | | |
Volta a Portugal | 1st stage
2013-08-08 | |
07.08 |
13 | | |
Volta a Portugal | Prologue
2013-08-07 | |
29.07 |
14 | | |
Kreiz Breizh Elites | 4th stage
2013-07-29 | |
28.07 |
29 | | |
Kreiz Breizh Elites | 3rd stage
2013-07-28 | |
28.07 |
3 | | |
Kreiz Breizh Elites | 2nd stage
2013-07-28 | |
27.07 |
7 | | |
Kreiz Breizh Elites | 1st stage
2013-07-27 | |
16.06 |
40 | | |
Route d'Occitanie | 4th stage
2013-06-16 | |
15.06 |
17 | | |
Route d'Occitanie | 3rd stage
2013-06-15 | |
14.06 |
34 | | |
Route d'Occitanie | 2nd stage
2013-06-14 | |
13.06 |
67 | | |
Route d'Occitanie | 1st stage
2013-06-13 | |
09.06 |
86 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 8th stage
2013-06-09 | |
08.06 |
46 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 7th stage
2013-06-08 | |
07.06 |
119 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 6th stage
2013-06-07 | |
06.06 |
66 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 5th stage
2013-06-06 | |
05.06 |
58 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 4th stage
2013-06-05 | |
04.06 |
91 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 3rd stage
2013-06-04 | |
03.06 |
24 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 2nd stage
2013-06-03 | |
02.06 |
65 | | |
Critérium du Dauphiné | 1st stage
2013-06-02 | |
19.05 |
23 | | |
Tour of Norway | 5th stage
2013-05-19 | |
18.05 |
25 | | |
Tour of Norway | 4th stage
2013-05-18 | |
17.05 |
29 | | |
Tour of Norway | 3rd stage
2013-05-17 | |
16.05 |
45 | | |
Tour of Norway | 2nd stage
2013-05-16 | |
15.05 |
34 | | |
Tour of Norway | 1st stage
2013-05-15 | |
01.05 |
30 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 7th stage
2013-05-01 | |
30.04 |
26 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 6th stage
2013-04-30 | |
29.04 |
41 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 5th stage
2013-04-29 | |
28.04 |
29 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 4th stage
2013-04-28 | |
27.04 |
30 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 3rd stage
2013-04-27 | |
26.04 |
73 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 2nd stage
2013-04-26 | |
25.04 |
52 | | |
Tour de Bretagne | 1st stage
2013-04-25 | |
24.03 |
70 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 6th stage
2013-03-24 | |
23.03 |
46 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 5th stage
2013-03-23 | |
22.03 |
37 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 4th stage
2013-03-22 | |
21.03 |
50 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 3rd stage
2013-03-21 | |
20.03 |
76 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 2nd stage
2013-03-20 | |
19.03 |
52 | | |
Tour de Normandie | 1st stage
2013-03-19 | |
18.03 |
38 | | |
Tour de Normandie | Prologue
2013-03-18 | |
03.03 |
145 | | |
Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 2nd stage
2013-03-03 | |
02.03 |
137 | | |
Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 1st stage
2013-03-02 | |
01.03 |
94 | | |
Dwars West-Vlaanderen | Prologue
2013-03-01 | |