Jacob Relaes

Tarteletto-Isorex, Belgium, 28 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Jacob Relaes is a 28-year-old cyclist from Belgium, born May 18th 1996. He rides for Tarteletto-Isorex, a UCI Continental. He is currently ranked 2801th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Tarteletto - Isorex (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
24.07 Tour de Wallonie | 2.Pro 2021-07-24 Show more
24.07 DNF Tour de Wallonie | Overall 2021-07-24
12.09 45 Antwerp Port Epic | 1.1 2021-09-12Show more
15.09 86 Grand Prix de Wallonie | 1.Pro 2021-09-15Show more
18.09 94 SUPER 8 Classic | 1.Pro 2021-09-18Show more
21.09 30 Textielprijs Vichte | KP 2021-09-21Show more
23.09 8 GP Eugeen Roggeman | KP 2021-09-23Show more
26.09 89 Paris-Chauny | 1.1 2021-09-26Show more
29.09 96 Circuit Franco-Belge | 1.Pro 2021-09-29Show more
02.10 26 GP Elektron-Tienen | KP 2021-10-02Show more
05.10 DNF Binche-Chimay-Binche | 1.1 2021-10-05Show more
07.09 65 Gullegem Koerse | KP 2021-09-07Show more
06.09 7 GP John Hannes - Erpe | KP 2021-09-06Show more
02.09 81 GP Gemeente Kortemark | KP 2021-09-02Show more
26.07 94 GP Raf Jonckheere | KP 2021-07-26Show more
29.07 10 Internatie Reningelst | 1.IC1 2021-07-29Show more
31.07 51 Heistse Pijl | 1.1 2021-07-31Show more
07.08 27 Memorial Francis Tuerlinkcx | KP 2021-08-07Show more
15.08 DNF Tour of Leuven | 1.1 2021-08-15Show more
19.08 46 GP Lucien Van Impe | KP 2021-08-19Show more
26.08 55 Druivenkoers Overijse | 1.1 2021-08-26Show more
29.08 43 GP de la Somme | 1.2 2021-08-29Show more
01.09 28 Muur Classic Geraardsbergen | KP 2021-09-01Show more
24.01 71 Clàssica Comunitat Valenciana 1969 - GP Valencia | 1.2 2021-01-24Show more
06.06 110 Elfstedenronde | 1.1 2021-06-06Show more
15.06 DNF Paris - Camembert | 1.1 2021-06-15Show more
20.06 81 Belgium RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
27.06 85 GP Rik Van Looy | 1.IC1 2021-06-27Show more
30.06 77 Kemmel Koerse | KP 2021-06-30Show more
23.07 DNF Tour de Wallonie | 4th stage 2021-07-23
22.07 139117 Tour de Wallonie | 3rd stage 2021-07-22
21.07 8474 Tour de Wallonie | 2nd stage 2021-07-21
20.07 5458 Tour de Wallonie | 1st stage 2021-07-20