Tom Thill

Luxembourg, 34 years


Tom Thill is a 34-year-old cyclist from Luxembourg, born March 31st 1990. He has won 1 UCI races, and is currently ranked 2756th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Team Differdange - Losch (Continental) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race
08.03 37 Dorpenomloop Rucphen | 1.2 2015-03-08Show more
15.03 53 Paris-Troyes | 1.2 2015-03-15Show more
23.07 34 GP Beeckman | KP 2015-07-23Show more
14.06 37 Ronde van Limburg | 1.1 2015-06-14Show more
21.06 30 Circuit de Wallonie | 1.2 2015-06-21Show more
05.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2.1 2015-07-05 Show more
05.07 15 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Overall 2015-07-05
12.07 5 Pollare-Ninove | KP 2015-07-12Show more
26.07 24 GP de Pérenchies | 1.2 2015-07-26Show more
09.08 Tour de Hongrie | 2.2 2015-08-09 Show more
09.08 1 Tour de Hongrie | Overall 2015-08-09
18.08 56 Egmont Cycling Race | 1.1 2015-08-18Show more
23.08 DNF Tour of Leuven | 1.1 2015-08-23Show more
07.06 Tour de Luxembourg | 2.HC 2015-06-07 Show more
07.06 48 Tour de Luxembourg | Overall 2015-06-07
31.05 DNF Boucles de l'Aulne | 1.1 2015-05-31Show more
18.04 DNF Arno Wallaard Memorial | 1.2 2015-04-18Show more
19.04 77 Ronde v.Noord-Holland | 1.2 2015-04-19Show more
26.04 44 La Roue Tourangelle | 1.1 2015-04-26Show more
03.05 30 GP de la Somme | 1.1 2015-05-03Show more
10.05 26 Flèche Ardennaise | 1.2 2015-05-10Show more
17.05 Flèche du Sud | 2.2 2015-05-17 Show more
17.05 24 Flèche du Sud | Overall 2015-05-17
30.05 59 GP de Plumelec-Morbihan | 1.1 2015-05-30Show more
25.08 18 GP des Marbriers | 1.2 2015-08-25Show more
26.08 DNF Druivenkoers Overijse | 1.1 2015-08-26Show more
06.09 54 Kernen Omloop Susteren | 1.2 2015-09-06Show more
11.03 54 Wanzeel Koerse | KP 2015-03-11Show more
24.05 27 GP Wase Polders | KP 2015-05-24Show more
12.09 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2.2 2015-09-12 Show more
12.09 42 Giro della Regione Friuli | Overall 2015-09-12
04.10 74 Tour de Vendée | 1.1 2015-10-04Show more
08.10 86 Paris - Bourges | 1.1 2015-10-08Show more
07.06 13 Tour de Luxembourg | Youth 2015-06-07
09.08 11 Tour de Hongrie | Points 2015-08-09
09.08 4 Tour de Hongrie | Mountain 2015-08-09
12.09 2742 Giro della Regione Friuli | 3rd stage 2015-09-12
11.09 4247 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2nd stage 2015-09-11
10.09 9090 Giro della Regione Friuli | 1st stage 2015-09-10
09.08 121 Tour de Hongrie | 5th stage 2015-08-09
08.08 41 Tour de Hongrie | 4th stage 2015-08-08
07.08 242 Tour de Hongrie | 3rd stage 2015-08-07
06.08 22 Tour de Hongrie | 2nd stage 2015-08-06
05.08 1822 Tour de Hongrie | 1st stage 2015-08-05
04.08 2323 Tour de Hongrie | Prologue 2015-08-04
05.07 2315 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 4th stage 2015-07-05
04.07 1915 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2015-07-04
03.07 1818 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2015-07-03
02.07 3417 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2015-07-02
01.07 4343 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Prologue 2015-07-01
07.06 5348 Tour de Luxembourg | 4th stage 2015-06-07
06.06 6848 Tour de Luxembourg | 3rd stage 2015-06-06
05.06 4747 Tour de Luxembourg | 2nd stage 2015-06-05
04.06 4335 Tour de Luxembourg | 1st stage 2015-06-04
03.06 3434 Tour de Luxembourg | Prologue 2015-06-03
17.05 3824 Flèche du Sud | 5th stage 2015-05-17
16.05 2620 Flèche du Sud | 4th stage 2015-05-16
15.05 3422 Flèche du Sud | 3rd stage 2015-05-15
14.05 3521 Flèche du Sud | 2nd stage 2015-05-14
13.05 2020 Flèche du Sud | 1st stage 2015-05-13