Logan Owen

USA, 29 years


Logan Owen is a 29-year-old cyclist from USA, born March 25th 1995. He has won 3 UCI races.


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Axeon Cycling Team (Continental) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race
21.06 6 Nevada City Classic | NE 2015-06-21Show more
26.07 Cascade Cycling Classic | 2.NRC 2015-07-26
26.07 13 Cascade Cycling Classic | Overall 2015-07-26
25.01 26 UCI World Cup u23 | Cyclocross 2015-01-25Show more
08.11 7 Louisville II | Cyclocross 2015-11-08Show more
07.11 3 Louisville I | Cyclocross 2015-11-07Show more
01.11 28 Pan-American | Cyclocross 2015-11-01Show more
31.10 4 Mason I | Cyclocross 2015-10-31Show more
01.02 15 World Championship u23 | Cyclocross 2015-02-01Show more
25.09 87 World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2015-09-25Show more
07.09 Tour of Alberta | 2.1 2015-09-07 Show more
07.09 39 Tour of Alberta | Overall 2015-09-07
23.08 USA Challenge | 2.HC 2015-08-23 Show more
23.08 23 USA Challenge | Overall 2015-08-23
09.08 Tour of Utah | 2.HC 2015-08-09 Show more
09.08 50 Tour of Utah | Overall 2015-08-09
24.06 11 USA RR-U23 | CN 2015-06-24Show more
14.11 1 Lakewood I | Cyclocross 2015-11-14Show more
15.11 1 Lakewood II | Cyclocross 2015-11-15Show more
27.12 7 Diegem u23 | Cyclocross 2015-12-27Show more
20.12 17 Namur u23 | Cyclocross 2015-12-20Show more
05.12 2 Iowa II | Cyclocross 2015-12-05Show more
22.11 9 Koksijde u23 | Cyclocross 2015-11-22Show more
14.06 Tour de Beauce | 2.2 2015-06-14 Show more
14.06 17 Tour de Beauce | Overall 2015-06-14
31.05 45 Paris - Roubaix Espoirs | 1.2U 2015-05-31Show more
22.03 GP Liberty Seguros | 2.2 2015-03-22 Show more
22.03 106 GP Liberty Seguros | Overall 2015-03-22
17.05 Tour of California | 2.HC 2015-05-17 Show more
17.05 52 Tour of California | Overall 2015-05-17
03.05 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2015-05-03 Show more
03.05 63 Tour of the Gila | Overall 2015-05-03
18.04 106 LBL Espoirs (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-18Show more
11.04 58 Ronde van Vlaanderen Beloften | 1.NC 2015-04-11Show more
06.04 41 Giro del Belvedere (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-06Show more
05.04 51 Trofeo PIVA (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-05Show more
29.03 Volta ao Alentejo | 2.2 2015-03-29 Show more
29.03 81 Volta ao Alentejo | Overall 2015-03-29
12.01 1 USA u23 | Cyclocross 2015-01-12Show more
03.05 22 Tour of the Gila | Youth 2015-05-03
29.03 19 Volta ao Alentejo | Youth 2015-03-29
17.05 14 Tour of California | Youth 2015-05-17
22.03 40 GP Liberty Seguros | Youth 2015-03-22
14.06 7 Tour de Beauce | Youth 2015-06-14
07.09 9 Tour of Alberta | Youth 2015-09-07
09.08 18 Tour of Utah | Youth 2015-08-09
23.08 6 USA Challenge | Youth 2015-08-23
09.08 7 Tour of Utah | Points 2015-08-09
14.06 13 Tour de Beauce | Points 2015-06-14
23.08 7 USA Challenge | Points 2015-08-23
17.05 30 Tour of California | Points 2015-05-17
07.09 23 Tour of Alberta | Points 2015-09-07
07.09 6139 Tour of Alberta | 6th stage 2015-09-07
06.09 2638 Tour of Alberta | 5th stage 2015-09-06
05.09 5242 Tour of Alberta | 4th stage 2015-09-05
04.09 4345 Tour of Alberta | 3rd stage 2015-09-04
03.09 858 Tour of Alberta | 2nd stage 2015-09-03
02.09 1263 Tour of Alberta | 1st stage | TTT 2015-09-02
23.08 1723 USA Challenge | 7th stage 2015-08-23
22.08 1024 USA Challenge | 6th stage 2015-08-22
21.08 6024 USA Challenge | 5th stage 2015-08-21
20.08 2622 USA Challenge | 4th stage 2015-08-20
19.08 426 USA Challenge | 3rd stage 2015-08-19
18.08 5038 USA Challenge | 2nd stage 2015-08-18
17.08 66 USA Challenge | 1st stage 2015-08-17
09.08 7050 Tour of Utah | 7th stage 2015-08-09
08.08 6248 Tour of Utah | 6th stage 2015-08-08
07.08 3116 Tour of Utah | 5th stage 2015-08-07
06.08 114 Tour of Utah | 4th stage 2015-08-06
05.08 12 Tour of Utah | 3rd stage 2015-08-05
04.08 611 Tour of Utah | 2nd stage 2015-08-04
03.08 1516 Tour of Utah | 1st stage 2015-08-03
26.07 5 Cascade Cycling Classic | 5th stage 2015-07-26
24.07 6 Cascade Cycling Classic | 3rd stage 2015-07-24
22.07 20 Cascade Cycling Classic | 1st stage 2015-07-22
14.06 617 Tour de Beauce | 6th stage 2015-06-14
13.06 1322 Tour de Beauce | 5th stage 2015-06-13
12.06 631 Tour de Beauce | 4th stage 2015-06-12
12.06 3931 Tour de Beauce | 3rd stage 2015-06-12
11.06 3230 Tour de Beauce | 2nd stage 2015-06-11
10.06 4850 Tour de Beauce | 1st stage 2015-06-10
17.05 952 Tour of California | 8th stage 2015-05-17
16.05 5953 Tour of California | 7th stage 2015-05-16
15.05 8650 Tour of California | 6th stage 2015-05-15
14.05 2449 Tour of California | 5th stage 2015-05-14
13.05 1451 Tour of California | 4th stage 2015-05-13
12.05 5454 Tour of California | 3rd stage 2015-05-12
11.05 6135 Tour of California | 2nd stage 2015-05-11
10.05 1719 Tour of California | 1st stage 2015-05-10
03.05 7063 Tour of the Gila | 5th stage 2015-05-03
02.05 11771 Tour of the Gila | 4th stage 2015-05-02
01.05 6755 Tour of the Gila | 3rd stage 2015-05-01
30.04 2854 Tour of the Gila | 2nd stage 2015-04-30
29.04 6161 Tour of the Gila | 1st stage 2015-04-29
29.03 11681 Volta ao Alentejo | 5th stage 2015-03-29
28.03 11587 Volta ao Alentejo | 4th stage 2015-03-28
27.03 6675 Volta ao Alentejo | 3rd stage 2015-03-27
26.03 113109 Volta ao Alentejo | 2nd stage 2015-03-26
25.03 109109 Volta ao Alentejo | 1st stage 2015-03-25
22.03 115106 GP Liberty Seguros | 2nd stage 2015-03-22
21.03 119119 GP Liberty Seguros | 1st stage 2015-03-21