Marco Maronese

Italy, 29 years


Marco Maronese is a 29-year-old cyclist from Italy, born December 25th 1994. He has won 1 UCI races.

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Bardiani - CSF (Pro Continental) UCI Ranking: 1916 (15pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
06.10 CRO Race | 2.1 2019-10-06 Show more
06.10 82 CRO Race | Overall 2019-10-06
14.09 Tour of China I | 2.1 2019-09-14 Show more
14.09 52 Tour of China I | Overall 2019-09-14
04.09 Tour of Xingtai | 2.2 2019-09-04 Show more
04.09 22 Tour of Xingtai | Overall 2019-09-04
06.03 38 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2019-03-06Show more
09.03 5 Porec Trophy | 1.2 2019-03-0915Show more
17.02 Tour Colombia | 2.1 2019-02-17 Show more
17.02 117 Tour Colombia | Overall 2019-02-17
19.03 Tirreno-Adriatico | 2.UWT 2019-03-19 Show more
19.03 DNF Tirreno-Adriatico | Overall 2019-03-19
06.04 Giro di Sicilia | 2.1 2019-04-06 Show more
06.04 64 Giro di Sicilia | Overall 2019-04-06
09.06 Tour de Luxembourg | 2.HC 2019-06-09 Show more
09.06 82 Tour de Luxembourg | Overall 2019-06-09
23.06 Tour of Slovenia | 2.HC 2019-06-23 Show more
23.06 72 Tour of Slovenia | Overall 2019-06-23
27.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2.HC 2019-07-27 Show more
27.07 74 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Overall 2019-07-27
25.08 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2.HC 2019-08-25 Show more
25.08 93 PostNord Tour of Denmark | Overall 2019-08-25
22.09 Tour of China II | 2.1 2019-09-22 Show more
22.09 49 Tour of China II | Overall 2019-09-22
09.06 30 Tour de Luxembourg | Youth 2019-06-09
06.04 27 Giro di Sicilia | Youth 2019-04-06
04.09 22 Tour of Xingtai | Points 2019-09-04
27.07 32 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Points 2019-07-27
23.06 34 Tour of Slovenia | Points 2019-06-23
06.04 24 Giro di Sicilia | Points 2019-04-06
14.09 3 Tour of China I | Mountain 2019-09-14
06.10 6982 CRO Race | 6th stage 2019-10-06
05.10 9679 CRO Race | 5th stage 2019-10-05
04.10 8165 CRO Race | 4th stage 2019-10-04
03.10 8359 CRO Race | 3rd stage 2019-10-03
02.10 1827 CRO Race | 2nd stage 2019-10-02
01.10 5153 CRO Race | 1st stage 2019-10-01
22.09 5049 Tour of China II | 4th stage 2019-09-22
21.09 5348 Tour of China II | 3rd stage 2019-09-21
19.09 2266 Tour of China II | 2nd stage 2019-09-19
17.09 966 Tour of China II | 1st stage 2019-09-17
16.09 7878 Tour of China II | Prologue 2019-09-16
14.09 5552 Tour of China I | 6th stage 2019-09-14
12.09 1668 Tour of China I | 5th stage 2019-09-12
11.09 870 Tour of China I | 4th stage 2019-09-11
10.09 676 Tour of China I | 3rd stage 2019-09-10
08.09 8583 Tour of China I | 2nd stage 2019-09-08
07.09 3030 Tour of China I | 1st stage 2019-09-07
04.09 722 Tour of Xingtai | 3rd stage 2019-09-04
03.09 1422 Tour of Xingtai | 2nd stage 2019-09-03
02.09 2222 Tour of Xingtai | 1st stage 2019-09-02
25.08 5193 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 5th stage 2019-08-25
24.08 80101 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 4th stage 2019-08-24
23.08 94109 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 3rd stage 2019-08-23
22.08 113109 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2nd stage 2019-08-22
21.08 103104 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 1st stage 2019-08-21
27.07 8474 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 13th stage 2019-07-27
26.07 1474 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 12th stage 2019-07-26
25.07 12774 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 11th stage 2019-07-25
24.07 3171 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 10th stage 2019-07-24
22.07 1271 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 9th stage 2019-07-22
21.07 8375 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 8th stage 2019-07-21
20.07 10671 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 7th stage 2019-07-20
19.07 570 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 6th stage 2019-07-19
18.07 1883 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 5th stage 2019-07-18
17.07 10383 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 4th stage 2019-07-17
16.07 7670 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 3rd stage 2019-07-16
15.07 1774 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2nd stage 2019-07-15
14.07 1477 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 1st stage | TTT 2019-07-14
23.06 7872 Tour of Slovenia | 5th stage 2019-06-23
22.06 4871 Tour of Slovenia | 4th stage 2019-06-22
21.06 6780 Tour of Slovenia | 3rd stage 2019-06-21
20.06 6685 Tour of Slovenia | 2nd stage 2019-06-20
19.06 8585 Tour of Slovenia | 1st stage 2019-06-19
09.06 7382 Tour de Luxembourg | 4th stage 2019-06-09
08.06 9590 Tour de Luxembourg | 3rd stage 2019-06-08
07.06 9088 Tour de Luxembourg | 2nd stage 2019-06-07
06.06 104103 Tour de Luxembourg | 1st stage 2019-06-06
05.06 114114 Tour de Luxembourg | Prologue 2019-06-05
06.04 7064 Giro di Sicilia | 4th stage 2019-04-06
05.04 7665 Giro di Sicilia | 3rd stage 2019-04-05
04.04 1217 Giro di Sicilia | 2nd stage 2019-04-04
03.04 2021 Giro di Sicilia | 1st stage 2019-04-03
16.03 OOT Tirreno-Adriatico | 4th stage 2019-03-16
15.03 56142 Tirreno-Adriatico | 3rd stage 2019-03-15
14.03 149151 Tirreno-Adriatico | 2nd stage 2019-03-14
13.03 23134 Tirreno-Adriatico | 1st stage | TTT 2019-03-13
17.02 108117 Tour Colombia | 6th stage 2019-02-17
16.02 120120 Tour Colombia | 5th stage 2019-02-16
15.02 129124 Tour Colombia | 4th stage 2019-02-15
14.02 134125 Tour Colombia | 3rd stage 2019-02-14
13.02 2870 Tour Colombia | 2nd stage 2019-02-13
12.02 1679 Tour Colombia | 1st stage | TTT 2019-02-12