Ylber Sefa

KD Bikes Cycling Team, Albania, 33 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Ylber Sefa is a 33-year-old cyclist from Albania, born February 11th 1991. He rides for KD Bikes Cycling Team. He has won 15 UCI races.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Vetrapo - B-Close Cycling Team UCI Ranking: 1208 (45pts) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race UCI
28.09 4 Tielt | 1.12B 2023-09-28Show more
30.09 10 Hooglede | 1.12A 2023-09-30Show more
02.10 9 Petegem Aan de Leie | 1.12B 2023-10-02Show more
04.10 10 Oostvlaamse Sluitingsprijs | KP 2023-10-04Show more
11.10 29 Aalter-Lotenhulle | 1.12B 2023-10-11Show more
17.10 9 Nationale Sluitingsprijs | KP 2023-10-17Show more
28.08 3 Stekene | 1.12B 2023-08-28Show more
24.09 10 Wielsbeke | 1.12B 2023-09-24Show more
12.03 21 Omloop van het Waasland | KP 2023-03-12Show more
19.03 55 Zuid-Kempense Pijl | 1.IC1 2023-03-19Show more
25.03 33 Zele | 1.12A 2023-03-25Show more
06.04 16 Bellegem | 1.12B 2023-04-06Show more
08.04 55 Omloop van de Braakman | 1.12 2023-04-08Show more
16.04 12 Beselare-Zonnebeke | 1.12B 2023-04-16Show more
19.04 22 De Haan | 1.12B 2023-04-19Show more
23.04 DNF Grote Prijs Affligem | 1.IC1 2023-04-23Show more
30.04 5 PK Oost Vlaanderen | 1.12A 2023-04-30Show more
08.05 3 Sinaai | 1.12B 2023-05-08Show more
30.05 17 Gullegem Koerse | KP 2023-05-30Show more
05.03 57 Lierde | 1.12B 2023-03-05Show more
04.06 17 GP du Vélodrome de Rochefort | 1.IC2 2023-06-04Show more
05.06 17 Kester | 1.12A 2023-06-05Show more
15.08 12 Heusden Koers | KP 2023-08-15Show more
20.08 15 Langemark (Madonna) | 1.12B 2023-08-20Show more
22.08 43 Wervik | 1.IC2 2023-08-22Show more
27.08 41 Schaal Sels | KP 2023-08-27Show more
02.09 24 Moortsele | 1.12B 2023-09-02Show more
04.09 4 GP John Hannes - Erpe | 1.IC1 2023-09-04Show more
03.09 12 Ruiselde Kruiskerke | 1.12B 2023-09-03Show more
07.09 DNF Izegem Koers | KP 2023-09-07Show more
11.09 8 Berlare | 1.12A 2023-09-11Show more
16.09 4 Merelbeke | 1.12B 2023-09-16Show more
19.09 42 Textielprijs Vichte | KP 2023-09-19Show more
13.08 30 Bekegem | 1.12B 2023-08-13Show more
09.08 7 Beernem | 1.12B 2023-08-09Show more
04.08 6 Opwijk - Mazenzele | 1.12B 2023-08-04Show more
09.06 4 Belsele-Waas | 1.12B 2023-06-09Show more
13.06 49 Kampioneschap Waasland | 1.IC1 2023-06-13Show more
17.06 1 Albania ITT | CN 2023-06-1725Show more
18.06 3 Albania RR | CN 2023-06-1820Show more
26.05 Tour of Albania | 2.2 2023-05-26 Show more
26.05 18 Tour of Albania | Overall 2023-05-26
25.06 35 GP Etienne de Wilde | 1.IC2 2023-06-25Show more
03.07 66 Schaal Schoeters Beveren | 1.IC1 2023-07-03Show more
09.07 38 2 Districtenpijl - Ekeren-Deurne | 1.IC2 2023-07-09Show more
16.07 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 2.12.1 2023-07-16
16.07 19 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | Overall 2023-07-16
29.07 3 Bambrugge - Erpe-Mere | 1.12B 2023-07-29Show more
31.07 22 Erpe-Mere Bambrugge | 1.12B 2023-07-31Show more
23.09 24 GP De Lijsterbes | 1.IC2 2023-09-23Show more
26.05 14 Tour of Albania | Points 2023-05-26
16.07 6 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | Sprint 2023-07-16
16.07 28 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 5th stage 2023-07-16
15.07 23 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 4th stage 2023-07-15
15.07 54 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 3rd stage 2023-07-15
14.07 17 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 2nd stage 2023-07-14
13.07 6 Tour des Deux-Sèvres | 1st stage 2023-07-13
26.05 618 Tour of Albania | 5th stage 2023-05-26
24.05 2018 Tour of Albania | 3rd stage 2023-05-24
23.05 2913 Tour of Albania | 2nd stage 2023-05-23
22.05 1414 Tour of Albania | 1st stage 2023-05-22