Borislav Ivanov

PSKK Vassil-Levski, Bulgaria, 35 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Borislav Ivanov is a 35-year-old cyclist from Bulgaria, born February 21st 1989. He rides for PSKK Vassil-Levski. He has won 2 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1397th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2015 2014 2013 2011

PSKK Vassil-Levski UCI Ranking: 1397 (33pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
21.04 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2.2 2024-04-21 Show more
21.04 39 Belgrade Banjaluka | Overall 2024-04-21
26.04 3 Tour de Vitosha | NE 2024-04-26Show more
16.05 4 Kamen Stanchev | NE 2024-05-16Show more
19.05 2 Milko Dimov - Iliya Krastev Cup | NE 2024-05-19Show more
20.06 5 Bulgaria ITT | CN 2024-06-203Show more
21.06 2 Bulgaria RR | CN 2024-06-2130Show more
04.08 46 Cupa Max Ausnit | 1.2 2024-08-04Show more
09.08 Tour of Szeklerland | 2.2 2024-08-09 Show more
09.08 62 Tour of Szeklerland | Overall 2024-08-09
21.08 6 Copa Srednogorie | NE 2024-08-21Show more
21.08 DNF Copa Srednogorie | NE 2024-08-21Show more
18.08 Turul Romaniei | 2.2 2024-08-18 Show more
18.08 70 Turul Romaniei | Overall 2024-08-18
01.09 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2024-09-01 Show more
01.09 DNF In the Steps of Romans | Overall 2024-09-01
29.08 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2024-08-29 Show more
29.08 36 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2024-08-29
14.04 3 Copa de Burgas | NE 2024-04-14Show more
06.04 12 Pazardzhik | NE 2024-04-06Show more
15.09 Tour of Istanbul | 2.1 2024-09-15 Show more
15.09 73 Tour of Istanbul | Overall 2024-09-15
15.09 11273 Tour of Istanbul | 4th stage 2024-09-15
14.09 5873 Tour of Istanbul | 3rd stage 2024-09-14
13.09 6573 Tour of Istanbul | 2nd stage 2024-09-13
12.09 8181 Tour of Istanbul | 1st stage 2024-09-12
01.09 DNF In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage 2024-09-01
31.08 5050 In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage 2024-08-31
29.08 5636 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2024-08-29
28.08 4731 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2024-08-28
27.08 3634 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2024-08-27
26.08 4039 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2024-08-26
25.08 4342 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2024-08-25
24.08 8080 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2024-08-24
18.08 8970 Turul Romaniei | 5th stage 2024-08-18
17.08 8370 Turul Romaniei | 4th stage 2024-08-17
16.08 9068 Turul Romaniei | 3rd stage 2024-08-16
15.08 5571 Turul Romaniei | 2nd stage 2024-08-15
14.08 8686 Turul Romaniei | 1st stage 2024-08-14
09.08 7062 Tour of Szeklerland | 2nd stage 2024-08-09
08.08 7069 Tour of Szeklerland | 1st stage 2024-08-08
07.08 7878 Tour of Szeklerland | Prologue 2024-08-07
21.04 4939 Belgrade Banjaluka | 4th stage 2024-04-21
20.04 3640 Belgrade Banjaluka | 3rd stage 2024-04-20
19.04 5556 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2nd stage 2024-04-19
18.04 6060 Belgrade Banjaluka | 1st stage 2024-04-18