Dale Appleby

Great Britain, 37 years


Dale Appleby is a 37-year-old cyclist from Great Britain, born December 19th 1986.

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

NFTO (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race
01.07 9 Otley GP | 1.NCC 2015-07-01Show more
26.04 16 Rutland - Melton Classic | 1.2 2015-04-26Show more
03.05 Tour de Yorkshire | 2.1 2015-05-03 Show more
03.05 106 Tour de Yorkshire | Overall 2015-05-03
22.05 16 Pearl Izumi Tour Series-Aberystwyth | NE 2015-05-22Show more
14.06 DNF Velothon Wales | 1.1 2015-06-14Show more
04.07 8 Stafford Kermesse | 1.NRC 2015-07-04Show more
03.07 10 Stafford Grand Prix | 1.NCC 2015-07-03Show more
28.06 24 Great Britain RR | CN 2015-06-28Show more
19.07 10 The Ryedale Grand Prix | 1.NRC 2015-07-19Show more
02.08 27 Ride London Classic | 1.HC 2015-08-02Show more
05.08 6 The Chepstow Grand Prix | 1.NCC 2015-08-05Show more
21.06 45 Beaumont Trophy | 1.2 2015-06-21Show more
13.09 Tour of Britain | 2.HC 2015-09-13 Show more
13.09 52 Tour of Britain | Overall 2015-09-13
19.09 6 Hitter Road Race | NE 2015-09-19Show more
13.09 8052 Tour of Britain | 8th stage 2015-09-13
12.09 7652 Tour of Britain | 7th stage 2015-09-12
11.09 4655 Tour of Britain | 6th stage 2015-09-11
10.09 6254 Tour of Britain | 5th stage 2015-09-10
09.09 4655 Tour of Britain | 4th stage 2015-09-09
08.09 9056 Tour of Britain | 3rd stage 2015-09-08
07.09 5756 Tour of Britain | 2nd stage 2015-09-07
06.09 5960 Tour of Britain | 1st stage 2015-09-06
03.05 113106 Tour de Yorkshire | 3rd stage 2015-05-03
02.05 84106 Tour de Yorkshire | 2nd stage 2015-05-02
01.05 118118 Tour de Yorkshire | 1st stage 2015-05-01