Trond Håkon Trondsen

Norway, 30 years


Trond Håkon Trondsen is a 30-year-old cyclist from Norway, born April 8th 1994. He has won 6 UCI races.


2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Team Sparebanken Sør (Continental) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race
13.03 21 Paris-Troyes | 1.2 2016-03-13Show more
05.06 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2.NC 2016-06-05 Show more
05.06 66 Course de la Paix (U23) | Overall 2016-06-05
19.06 48 Norway RR-U23 | CN 2016-06-19Show more
26.06 DNS Norway RR | CN 2016-06-26Show more
07.08 DNF Torgkvartalet GP | N3 2016-08-07Show more
06.08 5 Stjørdal (NC) | N1 2016-08-06Show more
14.08 Arctic Race of Norway | 2.HC 2016-08-14 Show more
14.08 44 Arctic Race of Norway | Overall 2016-08-14
27.08 Tour de l'Avenir | 2.NC 2016-08-27 Show more
27.08 DNF Tour de l'Avenir | Overall 2016-08-27
10.09 East Bohemia Tour | 2.2 2016-09-10 Show more
10.09 28 East Bohemia Tour | Overall 2016-09-10
27.03 Tour de Normandie | 2.2 2016-03-27 Show more
27.03 DNF Tour de Normandie | Overall 2016-03-27
18.09 45 GP d'Isbergues | 1.1 2016-09-18Show more
22.05 Tour of Norway | 2.HC 2016-05-22 Show more
22.05 56 Tour of Norway | Overall 2016-05-22
09.03 DNF Wanzeel Koerse | KP 2016-03-09Show more
06.03 34 GP Lillers | 1.2 2016-03-06Show more
17.04 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2.2 2016-04-17 Show more
17.04 8 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Overall 2016-04-17
23.04 3 Grenland GP Kermess | N3 2016-04-23Show more
24.04 1 Grenland GP (NC) | N1 2016-04-24Show more
07.05 16 Sundvolden GP | 1.2 2016-05-07Show more
08.05 1 Ringerike GP | 1.2 2016-05-08Show more
15.05 15 Gylne Gutuer (NC) | N1 2016-05-15Show more
20.09 19 Textielprijs Vichte | KP 2016-09-20Show more
22.09 5 GP Eugeen Roggeman | KP 2016-09-22Show more
25.09 33 Gooikse Pijl | 1.2 2016-09-25Show more
14.08 17 Arctic Race of Norway | Youth 2016-08-14
22.05 12 Tour of Norway | Youth 2016-05-22
17.04 3 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Youth 2016-04-17
10.09 9 East Bohemia Tour | Youth 2016-09-10
17.04 9 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | Points 2016-04-17
22.05 13 Tour of Norway | Points 2016-05-22
10.09 7 East Bohemia Tour | Points 2016-09-10
22.05 8 Tour of Norway | Mountain 2016-05-22
10.09 2828 East Bohemia Tour | 2nd stage 2016-09-10
09.09 57 East Bohemia Tour | 1st stage 2016-09-09
21.08 DNF Tour de l'Avenir | 2nd stage 2016-08-21
20.08 138138 Tour de l'Avenir | 1st stage 2016-08-20
14.08 5844 Arctic Race of Norway | 4th stage 2016-08-14
13.08 5448 Arctic Race of Norway | 3rd stage 2016-08-13
12.08 2121 Arctic Race of Norway | 2nd stage 2016-08-12
11.08 3739 Arctic Race of Norway | 1st stage 2016-08-11
05.06 9066 Course de la Paix (U23) | 3rd stage 2016-06-05
04.06 4949 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2nd stage 2016-06-04
03.06 2930 Course de la Paix (U23) | 1st stage 2016-06-03
22.05 456 Tour of Norway | 5th stage 2016-05-22
21.05 3465 Tour of Norway | 4th stage 2016-05-21
20.05 6484 Tour of Norway | 3rd stage 2016-05-20
19.05 115105 Tour of Norway | 2nd stage 2016-05-19
18.05 603 Tour of Norway | 1st stage 2016-05-18
17.04 218 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 5th stage 2016-04-17
16.04 108 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 4th stage 2016-04-16
15.04 26 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 3rd stage 2016-04-15
14.04 1421 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 2nd stage 2016-04-14
13.04 3237 Tour du Loir-et-Cher | 1st stage 2016-04-13
27.03 DNS Tour de Normandie | 6th stage 2016-03-27
26.03 3744 Tour de Normandie | 5th stage 2016-03-26
25.03 2479 Tour de Normandie | 4th stage 2016-03-25
24.03 6292 Tour de Normandie | 3rd stage 2016-03-24
23.03 56100 Tour de Normandie | 2nd stage 2016-03-23
22.03 31122 Tour de Normandie | 1st stage 2016-03-22
21.03 127127 Tour de Normandie | Prologue 2016-03-21