Samuel Gilletly

USA, 29 years


Samuel Gilletly is a 29-year-old cyclist from USA, born January 1st 1996.


2024 2023 2022

Landis Trek Team UCI Ranking: 2177 (10pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
25.06 DNF USA RR | CN 2023-06-25Show more
22.06 5 USA ITT | CN 2023-06-2210Show more
30.04 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2023-04-30 Show more
30.04 13 Tour of the Gila | Overall 2023-04-30
16.04 Redlands Classic | 2.NRC 2023-04-16
16.04 DNF Redlands Classic | Overall 2023-04-16
05.03 Tucson Bicycle Classic | NE 2023-03-05
05.03 25 Tucson Bicycle Classic | Overall 2023-03-05
19.02 Valley of the Sun Race | NE 2023-02-19
19.02 4 Valley of the Sun Race | Overall 2023-02-19
30.04 1713 Tour of the Gila | 5th stage 2023-04-30
29.04 6013 Tour of the Gila | 4th stage 2023-04-29
28.04 1413 Tour of the Gila | 3rd stage 2023-04-28
27.04 5316 Tour of the Gila | 2nd stage 2023-04-27
26.04 2020 Tour of the Gila | 1st stage 2023-04-26
16.04 DNF Redlands Classic | 5th stage 2023-04-16
15.04 10661 Redlands Classic | 4th stage 2023-04-15
14.04 2763 Redlands Classic | 3rd stage 2023-04-14
13.04 9474 Redlands Classic | 2nd stage 2023-04-13
12.04 6767 Redlands Classic | 1st stage 2023-04-12
05.03 44 Tucson Bicycle Classic | 3rd stage 2023-03-05
04.03 53 Tucson Bicycle Classic | 2nd stage 2023-03-04
03.03 18 Tucson Bicycle Classic | 1st stage 2023-03-03
19.02 46 Valley of the Sun Race | 3rd stage 2023-02-19
18.02 28 Valley of the Sun Race | 2nd stage 2023-02-18
17.02 6 Valley of the Sun Race | 1st stage 2023-02-17