Jackson Medway

Team BridgeLane, Australia, 19 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Jackson Medway is a 19-year-old cyclist from Australia, born October 15th 2004. He rides for Team BridgeLane, a UCI Continental. He has won 2 UCI races, and is currently ranked 471th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022

Hamilton Wheelers CC UCI Ranking: 2424 (6pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
09.10 Tour of Hainan | 2.Pro 2023-10-09 Show more
09.10 71 Tour of Hainan | Overall 2023-10-09
22.10 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 2.NRC 2023-10-22
22.10 DNF Cycle Sunshine Coast | Overall 2023-10-22
30.03 DNS Oceania ITT-U23 | CCUT 2023-03-30Show more
01.04 31 Oceania RR | CCRR 2023-04-013Show more
29.04 31 Grafton - Inverell | 1.NRC 2023-04-29Show more
02.04 37 Tour De Brisbane | 1.NRC 2023-04-02Show more
06.08 2 Darren Smith Classic Road Race | NE 2023-08-06Show more
27.08 Tour of Gippsland | 2.NRC 2023-08-27
27.08 7 Tour of Gippsland | Overall 2023-08-27
17.09 Tour of Taihu Lake | 2.Pro 2023-09-17 Show more
17.09 66 Tour of Taihu Lake | Overall 2023-09-17
30.09 Tour de Langkawi | 2.Pro 2023-09-30 Show more
30.09 37 Tour de Langkawi | Overall 2023-09-303
17.09 15 Tour of Taihu Lake | Youth 2023-09-17
27.08 12 Tour of Gippsland | Points 2023-08-27
19.10 DNS Cycle Sunshine Coast | 1st stage 2023-10-19
09.10 10371 Tour of Hainan | 5th stage 2023-10-09
08.10 8349 Tour of Hainan | 4th stage 2023-10-08
07.10 3332 Tour of Hainan | 3rd stage 2023-10-07
06.10 3435 Tour of Hainan | 2nd stage 2023-10-06
05.10 7272 Tour of Hainan | 1st stage 2023-10-05
30.09 5037 Tour de Langkawi | 8th stage 2023-09-30
29.09 6939 Tour de Langkawi | 7th stage 2023-09-29
28.09 4342 Tour de Langkawi | 6th stage 2023-09-28
27.09 4743 Tour de Langkawi | 5th stage 2023-09-27
26.09 3155 Tour de Langkawi | 4th stage 2023-09-26
25.09 4055 Tour de Langkawi | 3rd stage 2023-09-25
24.09 121119 Tour de Langkawi | 2nd stage 2023-09-24
23.09 6064 Tour de Langkawi | 1st stage 2023-09-23
17.09 5566 Tour of Taihu Lake | 4th stage 2023-09-17
16.09 7174 Tour of Taihu Lake | 3rd stage 2023-09-16
15.09 7579 Tour of Taihu Lake | 2nd stage 2023-09-15
14.09 8383 Tour of Taihu Lake | 1st stage 2023-09-14
27.08 137 Tour of Gippsland | 4th stage 2023-08-27
26.08 248 Tour of Gippsland | 3rd stage 2023-08-26
26.08 11 Tour of Gippsland | 2nd stage 2023-08-26
25.08 22 Tour of Gippsland | 1st stage 2023-08-25