Vincent John

Rad-Net Osswald, Germany, 19 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Vincent John is a 19-year-old cyclist from Germany, born December 13th 2004. He rides for Rad-Net Osswald, a UCI Continental. He is currently ranked 3208th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021

Rad-Net Osswald (Continental) UCI Ranking: 2347 (8pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
08.10 DNF Paris - Tours U23 | 1.2U 2023-10-08Show more
03.10 DNF Münsterland Giro | 1.Pro 2023-10-03Show more
22.09 100 Europe RR-U23 | CCU 2023-09-22Show more
17.09 28 Sauerlandrundfahrt | NE 2023-09-17Show more
27.08 Deutschland Tour | 2.Pro 2023-08-27 Show more
27.08 86 Deutschland Tour | Overall 2023-08-27
13.08 69 Memorial Jana Magiery | 1.2 2023-08-13Show more
12.08 DNF Mem.Henryka Lasaka | 1.2 2023-08-12Show more
26.03 53 Gent - Wevelgem (U23) | 1.2U 2023-03-26Show more
02.04 DNF Trofeo PIVA (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-02Show more
18.06 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | 2.2 2023-06-18 Show more
18.06 68 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | Overall 2023-06-18
02.07 8 GER/LUX/SUI/AUT RR-U23 | CN 2023-07-025Show more
25.06 DNF Germany RR | CN 2023-06-25Show more
04.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2023-06-04 Show more
04.06 9 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2023-06-043
10.06 3 Gippinger Radsporttage | NE 2023-06-10Show more
21.05 5 Wolfram Lindner Gedächtnisrennen | NE 2023-05-21Show more
03.05 Carpathian Race (U23) | 2.2U 2023-05-03 Show more
03.05 60 Carpathian Race (U23) | Overall 2023-05-03
14.05 68 Erzgebirgsrundfahrt | NE 2023-05-14Show more
02.08 Tour de l'Ain | 2.1 2023-08-02 Show more
02.08 DNF Tour de l'Ain | Overall 2023-08-02
23.07 27 Rad am Ring | NE 2023-07-23Show more
16.04 Tour de Allgäu | NE 2023-04-16
16.04 DNF Tour de Allgäu | Overall 2023-04-16
03.05 31 Carpathian Race (U23) | Youth 2023-05-03
18.06 21 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | Youth 2023-06-18
04.06 3 Tour of Malopolska | Youth 2023-06-04
27.08 33 Deutschland Tour | Youth 2023-08-27
04.06 5 Tour of Malopolska | Points 2023-06-04
27.08 3 Deutschland Tour | Mountain 2023-08-27
27.08 6586 Deutschland Tour | 4th stage 2023-08-27
26.08 8088 Deutschland Tour | 3rd stage 2023-08-26
25.08 8886 Deutschland Tour | 2nd stage 2023-08-25
24.08 8485 Deutschland Tour | 1st stage 2023-08-24
23.08 9999 Deutschland Tour | Prologue 2023-08-23
02.08 DNS Tour de l'Ain | 3rd stage 2023-08-02
01.08 7583 Tour de l'Ain | 2nd stage 2023-08-01
31.07 5959 Tour de l'Ain | 1st stage 2023-07-31
18.06 3268 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | 2nd stage 2023-06-18
17.06 7777 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | 1st stage 2023-06-17
16.06 5050 Tour du Pays de Montbéliard | Prologue 2023-06-16
04.06 109 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2023-06-04
03.06 813 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2023-06-03
02.06 1313 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2023-06-02
01.06 3636 Tour of Malopolska | Prologue 2023-06-01
03.05 3860 Carpathian Race (U23) | 5th stage 2023-05-03
02.05 5378 Carpathian Race (U23) | 4th stage 2023-05-02
01.05 6983 Carpathian Race (U23) | 3rd stage 2023-05-01
30.04 9291 Carpathian Race (U23) | 2nd stage 2023-04-30
29.04 313 Carpathian Race (U23) | 1st stage | TTT 2023-04-29
15.04 49 Tour de Allgäu | 2nd stage 2023-04-15
14.04 73 Tour de Allgäu | 1st stage 2023-04-14