Markus Mäeuibo

Equipo Essax, Estonia, 18 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Markus Mäeuibo is a 18-year-old cyclist from Estonia, born October 31st 2005. He rides for Equipo Essax. He is currently ranked 2165th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021

Equipo Essax UCI Ranking: 2165 (11pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
13.09 45 Europe RR-U23 | CCU 2024-09-13Show more
24.03 56 La Subida a Gorla | 1.12.5 2024-03-24Show more
23.03 59 Laukizko Udala-Laukiz | NE 2024-03-23Show more
10.03 56 Aiztondo Clasica-Asteasu | 1.12.1 2024-03-10Show more
03.03 DNF Trofeo Guerrita | 1.12.1 2024-03-03Show more
25.02 54 Circuito del Guadiana | 1.12.1 2024-02-25Show more
18.02 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | NE 2024-02-18
18.02 20 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | Overall 2024-02-18
21.04 85 Clasica de Torredonjimeno | 1.12.1 2024-04-21Show more
28.04 Bidasoa Itzulia | 2.13.1 2024-04-28
28.04 53 Bidasoa Itzulia | Overall 2024-04-28
08.09 Volta a Valencia | 2.12.2 2024-09-08
08.09 28 Volta a Valencia | Overall 2024-09-08
19.08 29 Trofeu Fira D´Agost-Xativa | 1.12.5 2024-08-19Show more
15.08 9 G.P.San Lorenzo-Huesca | 1.12.5 2024-08-15Show more
11.08 7 Cinturon De La Mancha | 1.12.5 2024-08-11Show more
10.08 33 Gran Premio a Toledo Flandriens | 1.12.1 2024-08-10Show more
28.07 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 2.12.1 2024-07-28
28.07 31 Vuelta a Castilla y León | Overall 2024-07-28
27.09 DNF World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2024-09-27Show more
14.07 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 2.13.1 2024-07-14
14.07 64 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | Overall 2024-07-14
07.07 Vuelta a Avila | 2.12.2 2024-07-07
07.07 49 Vuelta a Avila | Overall 2024-07-07
22.06 15 EST/LAT/LTU RR | CN 2024-06-221Show more
20.06 14 EST/LAT/LTU RR-U23 | CN 2024-06-2010Show more
25.05 Tour of Estonia | 2.1 2024-05-25 Show more
25.05 45 Tour of Estonia | Overall 2024-05-25
19.05 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.NC 2024-05-19 Show more
19.05 54 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | Overall 2024-05-19
26.05 15 Tartu Rattaralli | NE 2024-05-26Show more
11.05 5 Raplamaa Rattamaraton | NE 2024-05-11Show more
05.05 63 Memorial Valenciaga | 1.12.1 2024-05-05Show more
14.07 35 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | Youth 2024-07-14
08.09 14 Volta a Valencia | Youth 2024-09-08
28.04 14 Bidasoa Itzulia | Youth 2024-04-28
07.07 25 Vuelta a Avila | Youth 2024-07-07
28.07 19 Vuelta a Castilla y León | Youth 2024-07-28
25.05 9 Tour of Estonia | Youth 2024-05-25
18.02 14 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | Youth 2024-02-18
28.07 18 Vuelta a Castilla y León | Points 2024-07-28
14.07 13 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | Points 2024-07-14
07.07 14 Vuelta a Avila | Points 2024-07-07
28.04 14 Bidasoa Itzulia | Points 2024-04-28
18.02 5 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | Mountain 2024-02-18
14.07 18 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | Mountain 2024-07-14
28.04 10 Bidasoa Itzulia | Mountain 2024-04-28
28.04 2 Bidasoa Itzulia | Sprint 2024-04-28
14.07 3 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | Sprint 2024-07-14
08.09 20 Volta a Valencia | 3rd stage 2024-09-08
07.09 31 Volta a Valencia | 2nd stage 2024-09-07
06.09 56 Volta a Valencia | 1st stage 2024-09-06
28.07 6 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 5th stage 2024-07-28
27.07 40 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 4th stage 2024-07-27
26.07 11 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 3rd stage 2024-07-26
25.07 28 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 2nd stage 2024-07-25
24.07 32 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 1st stage 2024-07-24
14.07 3 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 5th stage 2024-07-14
13.07 55 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 4th stage 2024-07-13
12.07 87 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 3rd stage 2024-07-12
11.07 74 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 2nd stage 2024-07-11
10.07 13 Vuelta a Madrid (U23) | 1st stage | TTT 2024-07-10
07.07 39 Vuelta a Avila | 3rd stage 2024-07-07
06.07 66 Vuelta a Avila | 2nd stage 2024-07-06
05.07 4 Vuelta a Avila | 1st stage 2024-07-05
25.05 4645 Tour of Estonia | 2nd stage 2024-05-25
24.05 2223 Tour of Estonia | 1st stage 2024-05-24
19.05 6454 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 5th stage 2024-05-19
18.05 1643 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 4th stage 2024-05-18
17.05 4644 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 3rd stage 2024-05-17
16.05 5149 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2nd stage 2024-05-16
15.05 8282 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 1st stage 2024-05-15
28.04 59 Bidasoa Itzulia | 3rd stage 2024-04-28
27.04 12 Bidasoa Itzulia | 2nd stage 2024-04-27
26.04 78 Bidasoa Itzulia | 1st stage 2024-04-26
18.02 17 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | 2nd stage 2024-02-18
17.02 22 Memorial Manuel Sanroma | 1st stage 2024-02-17