Temuulen Khadbaatar

Ferei Quick-Panda Podium Mongolia, Mongolia, 19 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Temuulen Khadbaatar is a 19-year-old cyclist from Mongolia, born October 29th 2004. He rides for Ferei Quick-Panda Podium Mongolia, a UCI Continental. He is currently ranked 1856th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021

Ferei Mongolia Team (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1942 (15pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
12.11 26 XDS Cup - Tour of Shenzhen Guangming | NE 2023-11-12Show more
05.11 Tour of Yellow River (Dongying) | NE 2023-11-05
05.11 22 Tour of Yellow River (Dongying) | Overall 2023-11-05
17.12 76 Kunming Tour of Dianchi-Plateau | NE 2023-12-17Show more
23.12 Tour of Nujiang | NE 2023-12-23
23.12 26 Tour of Nujiang | Overall 2023-12-23
29.10 Tour of Tea Horse Road | NE 2023-10-29
29.10 21 Tour of Tea Horse Road | Overall 2023-10-29
09.10 Tour of Hainan | 2.Pro 2023-10-09 Show more
09.10 82 Tour of Hainan | Overall 2023-10-09
17.10 Tour of Taiyuan | NE 2023-10-17
17.10 26 Tour of Taiyuan | Overall 2023-10-17
16.04 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | NE 2023-04-16
16.04 52 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | Overall 2023-04-16
24.05 Sanmenxia Along the Yellow River | NE 2023-05-24
24.05 OOT Sanmenxia Along the Yellow River | Overall 2023-05-24
29.05 Yulin Cycling Race Along The Yanhuang Highway | NE 2023-05-29
29.05 17 Yulin Cycling Race Along The Yanhuang Highway | Overall 2023-05-29
11.06 Aziz Shusha | 2.2 2023-06-11 Show more
11.06 51 Aziz Shusha | Overall 2023-06-11
20.06 2 Mongolia ITT-U23 | CN 2023-06-2015Show more
16.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2.Pro 2023-07-16 Show more
16.07 85 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Overall 2023-07-16
24.09 Tour of Binzhou | 2.2 2023-09-24 Show more
24.09 32 Tour of Binzhou | Overall 2023-09-24
26.08 14 Horqin Grass Capital of China | NE 2023-08-26Show more
19.09 Tour of Poyang Lake II | NE 2023-09-19
19.09 35 Tour of Poyang Lake II | Overall 2023-09-19
12.09 Tour of Poyang Lake | 2.2 2023-09-12 Show more
12.09 55 Tour of Poyang Lake | Overall 2023-09-12
12.09 10 Tour of Poyang Lake | Youth 2023-09-12
19.09 9 Tour of Poyang Lake II | Youth 2023-09-19
11.06 15 Aziz Shusha | Youth 2023-06-11
16.07 51 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Points 2023-07-16
23.12 1526 Tour of Nujiang | 2nd stage 2023-12-23
22.12 2626 Tour of Nujiang | 1st stage 2023-12-22
05.11 1922 Tour of Yellow River (Dongying) | 2nd stage 2023-11-05
04.11 5050 Tour of Yellow River (Dongying) | 1st stage 2023-11-04
29.10 3021 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 9th stage 2023-10-29
28.10 2220 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 8th stage 2023-10-28
27.10 2122 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 7th stage 2023-10-27
26.10 1424 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 6th stage 2023-10-26
24.10 3538 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 5th stage 2023-10-24
23.10 6239 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 4th stage 2023-10-23
22.10 2145 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 3rd stage 2023-10-22
21.10 3851 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 2nd stage 2023-10-21
20.10 5050 Tour of Tea Horse Road | 1st stage 2023-10-20
17.10 2626 Tour of Taiyuan | 3rd stage 2023-10-17
16.10 2027 Tour of Taiyuan | 2nd stage 2023-10-16
15.10 3737 Tour of Taiyuan | 1st stage 2023-10-15
09.10 9782 Tour of Hainan | 5th stage 2023-10-09
08.10 9675 Tour of Hainan | 4th stage 2023-10-08
07.10 5048 Tour of Hainan | 3rd stage 2023-10-07
06.10 4643 Tour of Hainan | 2nd stage 2023-10-06
05.10 4950 Tour of Hainan | 1st stage 2023-10-05
24.09 3732 Tour of Binzhou | 2nd stage 2023-09-24
23.09 3638 Tour of Binzhou | 1st stage 2023-09-23
19.09 25 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 6th stage 2023-09-19
18.09 24 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 5th stage 2023-09-18
17.09 12 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 4th stage | TTT 2023-09-17
16.09 48 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 3rd stage 2023-09-16
15.09 43 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 2nd stage 2023-09-15
14.09 23 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 1st stage 2023-09-14
12.09 5955 Tour of Poyang Lake | 5th stage 2023-09-12
11.09 5358 Tour of Poyang Lake | 4th stage 2023-09-11
10.09 3058 Tour of Poyang Lake | 3rd stage 2023-09-10
09.09 4166 Tour of Poyang Lake | 2nd stage 2023-09-09
08.09 7070 Tour of Poyang Lake | 1st stage 2023-09-08
16.07 10285 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 8th stage 2023-07-16
15.07 6082 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 7th stage 2023-07-15
14.07 1585 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 6th stage 2023-07-14
13.07 5993 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 5th stage 2023-07-13
12.07 85102 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 4th stage 2023-07-12
11.07 84105 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 3rd stage 2023-07-11
10.07 100103 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2nd stage 2023-07-10
09.07 5358 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 1st stage 2023-07-09
11.06 4351 Aziz Shusha | 5th stage 2023-06-11
10.06 5463 Aziz Shusha | 4th stage 2023-06-10
09.06 3761 Aziz Shusha | 3rd stage 2023-06-09
08.06 4965 Aziz Shusha | 2nd stage 2023-06-08
07.06 6767 Aziz Shusha | 1st stage 2023-06-07
29.05 2517 Yulin Cycling Race Along The Yanhuang Highway | 3rd stage 2023-05-29
28.05 1819 Yulin Cycling Race Along The Yanhuang Highway | 2nd stage 2023-05-28
27.05 3131 Yulin Cycling Race Along The Yanhuang Highway | 1st stage 2023-05-27
16.04 6452 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 2nd stage 2023-04-16
15.04 3535 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 1st stage 2023-04-15