Mikel Aristi

Spain, 31 years


Mikel Aristi is a 31-year-old cyclist from Spain, born May 28th 1993. He has won 3 UCI races.

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Euskadi Basque - Murias (Pro Continental) UCI Ranking: 705 (109pts) UCI: Wins: 2
Date Pos GC Race UCI
22.04 DNF Tro-Bro Leon | 1.1 2019-04-22Show more
20.04 DNF Tour du Finistère | 1.1 2019-04-20Show more
16.04 DNF Paris - Camembert | 1.1 2019-04-16Show more
07.04 DNF La Roue Tourangelle | 1.1 2019-04-07Show more
05.04 DNF Route Adélie de Vitré | 1.1 2019-04-05Show more
31.03 Volta Catalunya | 2.UWT 2019-03-31 Show more
31.03 DNF Volta Catalunya | Overall 2019-03-31
10.02 Étoile de Bessèges | 2.1 2019-02-10 Show more
10.02 60 Étoile de Bessèges | Overall 2019-02-10
21.02 Tour of Oman | 2.HC 2019-02-21 Show more
21.02 23 Tour of Oman | Overall 2019-02-215
03.02 DNF GP la Marseillaise | 1.1 2019-02-03Show more
27.04 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 2.1 2019-04-27 Show more
27.04 DNF Vuelta a Castilla y León | Overall 2019-04-27
22.09 15 GP d'Isbergues | 1.1 2019-09-225Show more
15.09 DNF Coppa Bernocchi | 1.1 2019-09-15Show more
14.09 DNF Coppa Agostoni | 1.1 2019-09-14Show more
24.08 Tour du Limousin | 2.1 2019-08-24 Show more
24.08 4 Tour du Limousin | Overall 2019-08-2460
11.08 Volta a Portugal | 2.1 2019-08-11 Show more
11.08 80 Volta a Portugal | Overall 2019-08-11
14.07 GP Torres Vedras | 2.2 2019-07-14 Show more
14.07 100 GP Torres Vedras | Overall 2019-07-14
23.06 ZLM Tour | 2.1 2019-06-23 Show more
23.06 101 ZLM Tour | Overall 2019-06-23
09.06 Boucles de la Mayenne | 2.1 2019-06-09 Show more
09.06 DNF Boucles de la Mayenne | Overall 2019-06-09
26.05 A Travers les Hauts | 2.2 2019-05-26 Show more
26.05 DNF A Travers les Hauts | Overall 2019-05-26
05.10 DNF Circuit Franco-Belge | 1.HC 2019-10-05Show more
06.10 DNF Famenne Ardenne Classic | 1.1 2019-10-06Show more
10.10 17 Paris - Bourges | 1.1 2019-10-103Show more
13.10 DNF Paris - Tours | 1.HC 2019-10-13Show more
05.05 Tour de Yorkshire | 2.HC 2019-05-05 Show more
05.05 DNF Tour de Yorkshire | Overall 2019-05-05
23.06 35 ZLM Tour | Points 2019-06-23
21.02 27 Tour of Oman | Points 2019-02-21
10.02 13 Étoile de Bessèges | Points 2019-02-10
11.08 3 Volta a Portugal | Points 2019-08-11
11.08 41 Volta a Portugal | Mountain 2019-08-11
11.08 33 Volta a Portugal | Combination 2019-08-11
24.08 424 Tour du Limousin | 4th stage 2019-08-24
23.08 143 Tour du Limousin | 3rd stage 2019-08-23
22.08 12 Tour du Limousin | 2nd stage 2019-08-2214
21.08 22 Tour du Limousin | 1st stage 2019-08-215
11.08 880 Volta a Portugal | 10th stage 2019-08-11
10.08 10182 Volta a Portugal | 9th stage 2019-08-10
09.08 6884 Volta a Portugal | 8th stage 2019-08-09
08.08 10589 Volta a Portugal | 7th stage 2019-08-08
07.08 7786 Volta a Portugal | 6th stage 2019-08-07
05.08 10391 Volta a Portugal | 5th stage 2019-08-05
04.08 10485 Volta a Portugal | 4th stage 2019-08-04
03.08 42 Volta a Portugal | 3rd stage 2019-08-03
02.08 12 Volta a Portugal | 2nd stage 2019-08-0214
01.08 96 Volta a Portugal | 1st stage 2019-08-01
31.07 66 Volta a Portugal | Prologue 2019-07-31
14.07 90100 GP Torres Vedras | 3rd stage 2019-07-14
13.07 78112 GP Torres Vedras | 2nd stage 2019-07-13
12.07 121120 GP Torres Vedras | 1st stage 2019-07-12
11.07 1717 GP Torres Vedras | Prologue 2019-07-11
23.06 101101 ZLM Tour | 4th stage 2019-06-23
22.06 90105 ZLM Tour | 3rd stage 2019-06-22
21.06 110112 ZLM Tour | 2nd stage 2019-06-21
20.06 110109 ZLM Tour | 1st stage 2019-06-20
19.06 8383 ZLM Tour | Prologue 2019-06-19
08.06 DNF Boucles de la Mayenne | 2nd stage 2019-06-08
07.06 8586 Boucles de la Mayenne | 1st stage 2019-06-07
06.06 9292 Boucles de la Mayenne | Prologue 2019-06-06
26.05 DNF A Travers les Hauts | 3rd stage 2019-05-26
25.05 110109 A Travers les Hauts | 2nd stage 2019-05-25
24.05 108109 A Travers les Hauts | 1st stage 2019-05-24
02.05 DNF Tour de Yorkshire | 1st stage 2019-05-02
27.04 DNF Vuelta a Castilla y León | 3rd stage 2019-04-27
26.04 10499 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 2nd stage 2019-04-26
25.04 109109 Vuelta a Castilla y León | 1st stage 2019-04-25
31.03 DNF Volta Catalunya | 7th stage 2019-03-31
30.03 5127 Volta Catalunya | 6th stage 2019-03-30
29.03 145132 Volta Catalunya | 5th stage 2019-03-29
28.03 149133 Volta Catalunya | 4th stage 2019-03-28
27.03 149133 Volta Catalunya | 3rd stage 2019-03-27
26.03 143118 Volta Catalunya | 2nd stage 2019-03-26
25.03 58 Volta Catalunya | 1st stage 2019-03-25
21.02 1323 Tour of Oman | 6th stage 2019-02-21
20.02 4723 Tour of Oman | 5th stage 2019-02-20
19.02 2121 Tour of Oman | 4th stage 2019-02-19
18.02 1821 Tour of Oman | 3rd stage 2019-02-18
17.02 3937 Tour of Oman | 2nd stage 2019-02-17
16.02 67 Tour of Oman | 1st stage 2019-02-16
10.02 8160 Étoile de Bessèges | 4th stage 2019-02-10
09.02 36 Étoile de Bessèges | 3rd stage 2019-02-093
08.02 3024 Étoile de Bessèges | 2nd stage 2019-02-08
07.02 1821 Étoile de Bessèges | 1st stage 2019-02-07